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Commit b3177daa authored by Cribellier, Antoine's avatar Cribellier, Antoine
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Added estimMDLT to estimate modified DLT coefficient (higher accuracy and...

Added estimMDLT to estimate modified DLT coefficient (higher accuracy and orthogonal matrix -> needed to estimate quat)
+ Various changes to and debugging of related test functions
parent d89bad45
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1 merge request!10Major development of the various modules + many bugs were solved
......@@ -124,6 +124,9 @@ Initial body orientation is along x axis. Yaw, pitch and roll are then computed
### Post-processing of the kinematics parameters
??? `img_process.???`
??? Document how filtering/smoothing is done by default and how to modify it + implement filtering of outlier (example of Cas data)
## Notes
### Running the tests
To run tests locally, type:
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -250,7 +250,8 @@ class Camera(Object3D):
def dlt_coef(self, dlt_coef) -> None:
self.xp, self.yp, self.fx, self.fy = calib.intrinsic_from_dlt_coef(dlt_coef)
self.coords, self.angles = calib.extrinsic_from_dlt_coef(dlt_coef, in_degrees=self.in_degrees)
self.coords, self.angles = \
calib.extrinsic_from_dlt_coef(dlt_coef, (self.xp, self.yp, self.fx, self.fy), in_degrees=self.in_degrees)
def from_dlt_coef(dlt_coef: List[float], in_degrees: bool = True) -> "Camera":
......@@ -266,7 +267,7 @@ class Camera(Object3D):
xp, yp, fx, fy = calib.intrinsic_from_dlt_coef(dlt_coef)
coords, angles = calib.extrinsic_from_dlt_coef(dlt_coef, in_degrees=in_degrees)
coords, angles = calib.extrinsic_from_dlt_coef(dlt_coef, (xp, yp, fx, fy), in_degrees=in_degrees)
X, Y, Z = tuple(coords)
alpha, beta, gamma = tuple(angles)
......@@ -68,6 +68,42 @@ def to_homogeneus(X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
return np.hstack([X, 1])
def is_orthogonal(M, return_error: bool = False):
""" Check if matrix is orthogonal
M: a square matrix (NxN)
return_error: Whether to return the rms error for orthogonality
Whether the matrix is found to be orthogonal
The rms error for orthogonality
assert all(len(row) == len(M) for row in M), "Matrix need to be square (NxN)"
if not return_error:
rtol = 1e-05
atol = 1e-08
if not np.allclose(, M.conj().transpose()), np.eye(3), rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
# Matrix is not orthogonal (i.e. its transpose should be its inverse)
return False
elif not np.isclose(np.linalg.det(M), 1.0, rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
# Matrix is not special orthogonal (i.e. its determinant must be +1.0)
return False
return True
eye_diff =, M.conj().transpose()) - np.eye(3)
ortho_error = np.sqrt(np.sum(eye_diff ** 2))
return ortho_error
def get_rotation_btw_vectors(vec1: np.ndarray, vec2: np.ndarray = np.array([0., 0., 1.])) -> Rotation:
""" Get rotation matrix between two vectors using scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.
......@@ -231,4 +267,48 @@ def quat0123_to_1230(quat: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
quat = np.asarray(quat)
assert len(quat) == 4
return np.append(quat[1:], quat[0])
\ No newline at end of file
return np.append(quat[1:], quat[0])
# TODO remove following code?
# def find_closest_orthogonal_matrix(A):
# '''
# Find closest orthogonal matrix to *A* using iterative method.
# From:
# Bases on the code from REMOVE_SOURCE_LEAKAGE function from OSL Matlab package.
# Args:
# A (numpy.array): array shaped k, n, where k is number of channels, n - data points
# Returns:
# L (numpy.array): orthogonalized matrix with amplitudes preserved
# '''
# MAX_ITER = 2000
# TOLERANCE = np.max((1, np.max(A.shape) * np.linalg.svd(A.T, False, False)[0])) * np.finfo(A.dtype).eps # TODO
# reldiff = lambda a, b: 2 * abs(a - b) / (abs(a) + abs(b))
# convergence = lambda rho, prev_rho: reldiff(rho, prev_rho) <= TOLERANCE
# A_b = A.conj()
# d = np.sqrt(np.sum(A * A_b, axis=1))
# rhos = np.zeros(MAX_ITER)
# for i in range(MAX_ITER):
# scA = A.T * d
# u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(scA, False)
# V =, vh)
# d = np.sum(A_b * V.T, axis=1)
# L = (V * d).T
# E = A - L
# rhos[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(E * E.conj()))
# if i > 0 and convergence(rhos[i], rhos[i - 1]):
# break
# return L
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from camera import calib
......@@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ def test_dlt2d_1views():
nb_cam = 1
# Camera calibration parameters based on view #1 and error of the calibration of view #1 (in pixels):')
dlt_coef1, repro_err1 = calib.calib(nb_dim, xy, uv1)
dlt_coef1, repro_err1 = calib.estimDLT(nb_dim, xy, uv1)
assert len(dlt_coef1) == 8
assert repro_err1 <= max_mean_err_px
......@@ -55,8 +57,8 @@ def test_dlt2d_2views():
nb_cam = 2
# Camera calibration parameters based on view #1 and error of the calibration of view #1 (in pixels)
dlt_coef1, repro_err1 = calib.calib(nb_dim, xy, uv1)
dlt_coef2, repro_err2 = calib.calib(nb_dim, xy, uv2)
dlt_coef1, repro_err1 = calib.estimDLT(nb_dim, xy, uv1)
dlt_coef2, repro_err2 = calib.estimDLT(nb_dim, xy, uv2)
assert len(dlt_coef1) == 8
assert repro_err1 <= max_mean_err_px
......@@ -97,10 +99,10 @@ def test_dlt3d():
nb_cam = 4
# Camera calibration parameters based on view #1 and error of the calibration of view #1 (in pixels)
dlt_coef1, repro_err1 = calib.calib(nb_dim, xyz, uv1)
dlt_coef2, repro_err2 = calib.calib(nb_dim, xyz, uv2)
dlt_coef3, repro_err3 = calib.calib(nb_dim, xyz, uv3)
dlt_coef4, repro_err4 = calib.calib(nb_dim, xyz, uv4)
dlt_coef1, repro_err1 = calib.estimDLT(nb_dim, xyz, uv1)
dlt_coef2, repro_err2 = calib.estimDLT(nb_dim, xyz, uv2)
dlt_coef3, repro_err3 = calib.estimDLT(nb_dim, xyz, uv3)
dlt_coef4, repro_err4 = calib.estimDLT(nb_dim, xyz, uv4)
assert len(dlt_coef1) == 11
assert repro_err1 <= max_mean_err_px
......@@ -141,22 +143,39 @@ def test_dlt3d():
def test_dlt_coef_to_from_intrinsic_extrinsic() -> None:
# xyz = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 12.3, 0], [14.5, 12.3, 0], [14.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 14.5], [0, 12.3, 14.5], [14.5, 12.3, 14.5],
# [14.5, 0, 14.5]]
# uv = [[1302, 1147], [1110, 976], [1411, 863], [1618, 1012], [1324, 812], [1127, 658], [1433, 564], [1645, 704]]
# # Camera calibration parameters (DLT coefficients)
# dlt_coef, repro_err = calib.calib(3, xyz, uv)
xyz = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 12.3, 0], [14.5, 12.3, 0], [14.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 14.5], [0, 12.3, 14.5], [14.5, 12.3, 14.5], [14.5, 0, 14.5]]
uv = [[1302, 1147], [1110, 976], [1411, 863], [1618, 1012], [1324, 812], [1127, 658], [1433, 564], [1645, 704]]
show_plot = True
decimal = -1
# Camera calibration parameters (DLT coefficients)
#dlt_coef, repro_err = calib.estimDLT(3, xyz, uv) # Will no produce dlt_coef from an orthogonal matrix
dlt_coef, repro_err = calib.estimMDLT(xyz, uv, show_plot=show_plot)
dlt_coefs = calib.read_dlt_coefs('../data/mosquito_escapes/calib/to_delete/20200615_DLTcoefs-py.csv')
dlt_coef = dlt_coefs[0]
# dlt_coefs = calib.read_dlt_coefs('../data/mosquito_escapes/calib/20200306_DLTcoefs-py.csv')
# dlt_coef = dlt_coefs[0]
xp, yp, fx, fy = calib.intrinsic_from_dlt_coef(dlt_coef)
coords, angles = calib.extrinsic_from_dlt_coef(dlt_coef)
coords, quat = calib.extrinsic_from_dlt_coef(dlt_coef, (xp, yp, fx, fy))
new_dlt_coef = calib.dlt_coef_from_intrinsic_extrinsic(xp, yp, fx, fy, coords, quat)
uv2 = calib.find2d(1, new_dlt_coef, xyz)
if show_plot:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for i in range(0, len(uv)):
ax.scatter(uv[i][0], uv[i][1], marker='+', color='g', s=40)
ax.scatter(uv2[i][0], uv2[i][1], marker='+', color='r', s=40)
ax.set_xlabel('x [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('y [m]')
new_dlt_coef = calib.dlt_coef_from_intrinsic_extrinsic(xp, yp, fx, fy, coords, angles)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(uv, uv2, decimal=decimal)
assert all(dlt_coef == new_dlt_coef)
#assert all(dlt_coef == new_dlt_coef)
def test_gen_dlt_coefs_and_save_in_csv() -> None:
......@@ -15,7 +15,15 @@ def test_pinhole_cameras():
in_degrees = True
norm_vect_init = [0., 0., 1.]
# Without noize
sigma = 0
max_mean_err_px = 10e-5
decimal = 4
# # With noize (std = 2 pixels)
# sigma = 1
# max_mean_err_px = 3
# decimal = -1
pixel_size = 10e-5
......@@ -57,6 +65,7 @@ def test_pinhole_cameras():
# Generate pixel coordinates of a set of 3d points for each camera
xyz = list(itertools.combinations_with_replacement([-0.45, -0.23, 0, 0.23, 0.45], 3))
xyz = [list(coord) for coord in xyz]
# xyz = [xyz[i] for i in np.random.choice(len(xyz), 6)] # To reduce number of 3d points to min needed for dlt_coefs
if show_plot:
fig = plt.figure()
......@@ -71,7 +80,7 @@ def test_pinhole_cameras():
ax.set_zlabel('z [m]')
dlt_coefs = []
dlt_coefs, dlt_coefs2 = [], []
for cam in cams.cameras:
quat_back_to_init = cam.quat.inverse
......@@ -113,19 +122,23 @@ def test_pinhole_cameras():
# pixel_size = np.amax(uv) / np.min(cam.sensor_size)) / 2
uv = np.array(uv) / pixel_size + cam.sensor_size / 2 # scale meters to pixels
# Add noize to 2d coordinates
uv = uv + np.reshape(np.random.normal(0, sigma, len(uv)*2), [len(uv), 2])
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate DLT coefficients for each camera
dlt_coef, repro_err = calib.calib(3, xyz, uv)
#dlt_coef, repro_err = calib.estimDLT(3, xyz, uv) # Will no produce dlt_coef from an orthogonal matrix
dlt_coef, repro_err = calib.estimMDLT(xyz, uv, show_plot=show_plot)
assert repro_err <= max_mean_err_px
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test dlt_coef_from_intrinsic_extrinsic
# Here I use minus fx and fy because the image is upside down
dlt_coef2 = calib.dlt_coef_from_intrinsic_extrinsic(cam.xp, cam.yp, - cam.fx, - cam.fy,
dlt_coef2 = calib.dlt_coef_from_intrinsic_extrinsic(cam.xp, cam.yp, cam.fx, cam.fy,
cam.coords, cam.quat, in_degrees=in_degrees)
uv2 = calib.find2d(1, dlt_coef2, xyz)
if show_plot:
fig = plt.figure()
......@@ -137,7 +150,7 @@ def test_pinhole_cameras():
ax.set_ylabel('y [m]')
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(uv, uv2, decimal=4)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(uv, uv2, decimal=decimal)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from DLT coefficients
......@@ -146,12 +159,23 @@ def test_pinhole_cameras():
for i, dlt_coef in enumerate(dlt_coefs):
cam = cams.get(i)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Estimate intrinsic parameters
xp, yp, fx, fy = calib.intrinsic_from_dlt_coef(dlt_coef)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cam.xp, xp, decimal=decimal)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cam.yp, yp, decimal=decimal)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cam.fx, fx, decimal=decimal)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cam.fy, fy, decimal=decimal)
new_cams.append(cameras.Camera([xp, yp], [fx, fy], coords, quat, in_degrees=in_degrees))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Estimate extrinsic parameters
coords, quat = calib.extrinsic_from_dlt_coef(dlt_coef)
coords, quat = calib.extrinsic_from_dlt_coef(dlt_coef, (xp, yp, fx, fy))
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cam.coords, coords)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cam.quat.rotate(norm_vect_init), quat.rotate(norm_vect_init))
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cam.coords, coords, decimal=decimal)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cam.quat.rotate(norm_vect_init), quat.rotate(norm_vect_init), decimal=decimal)
if show_plot:
norm_vect = quat.rotate(norm_vect_init)
......@@ -166,17 +190,6 @@ def test_pinhole_cameras():
ax3.set_zlabel('z [m]')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Estimate intrinsic parameters
xp, yp, fx, fy = calib.intrinsic_from_dlt_coef(dlt_coef)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cam.xp, xp)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cam.yp, yp)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cam.fx, fx)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cam.fy, fy)
new_cams.append(cameras.Camera([xp, yp], [fx, fy], coords, quat, in_degrees=in_degrees))
if show_plot:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
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