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Hoek, Steven / lmgeo
OtherRepository for Python raster GIS library with low memory requirements
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This repository contains a couple of scripts to make living with the WUR git repo a bit easier. Feel free to add code, by forking, coding and creating a merge request.
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Anunna / Education
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Hugo website for the Open Science Community Wageningen (OSC-W) using GitLab Pages.
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Template for WUR beamer presentations, based on http://www.petervanbeveren.eu/latex/
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BIF code templates / python-templates / Python Template Mini
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterA simple template repository for python projects
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ISRIC / SoilGrids / soilgrids.notebooks
European Union Public License 1.2Updated -
A package that prepare video recordings to be used by deeplabcut (simple 2D/3D tracking, cropping and stitching). Then use deeplabcut to estimate the 2D coordinates of various bodyparts of a flying insect and fit a 3D skeleton to these 2D coordinates
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Contains Instructions how to set up iRODS for sysadmins and training material for different user goups.
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Blok, Pieter / SizeCNN
Apache License 2.0CNN methods that estimate the diameter of the crop, even when it's occluded.
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