title: "FAIR data for a better understanding of fungal epidemiology"
- name: "[Sibbe Bakker]("
- name: "Anna Fensel"
affiliation: AI & Data science
standalone: true
embed-resources: true
navigation-mode: vertical
controls-layout: bottom-right
data-background-size: cover
data-background-image: inclusions/blurred-asper.jpg
data-background-opacity: "0.5"
# Relivance of fungi {background-color="black" background-image="inclusions/blurred-asper.jpg" background-size="cover" background-opacity="0.5"}
![The priority fungal pathogens identified by
the WHO [@worldhealthorganizationwhoWHOFungalPriority2022]](
::: notes
Highlight what these fungi are, how important are they and where?
## A closer look at _A. fumigatus_ {background-color="black" background-image="inclusions/blurred-asper.jpg" background-size="cover" background-opacity="0.5"}
<!-- Why are we looking here? Because the genetics department does a lot of
work with it -->
* Why? Because the WUR has [expertise]{.alert} on _A. fumigatus_.
* It is [imporant]{.alert} for Dutch public health. <br> _Due to the large tulip sector here._
::: {.column width="40%"}
![Conidia of _A. fumigatus_ [@OneHealthFungal2019]](inclusions/aspergillus-fromNBK54998.jpg)
# The knowledge gap {background-color="black" background-image="inclusions/blurred-asper.jpg" background-size="cover" background-opacity="0.5"}
## What we need to do {background-color="black" background-image="inclusions/blurred-asper.jpg" background-size="cover" background-opacity="0.5"}
> Being able to track the evolution of fungal pathogens.
## How do we do it? {background-color="black" background-image="inclusions/blurred-asper.jpg" background-size="cover" background-opacity="0.5"}
## Nextstrain {background-color="black" background-image="inclusions/blurred-asper.jpg" background-size="cover" background-opacity="0.5"}
Using `nextstrain` for fungal pathogens [@hadfieldNextstrainRealtimeTracking2018]. An example:
## Bridging the gap {background-color="black" background-image="inclusions/blurred-asper.jpg" background-size="cover" background-opacity="0.5"}
> This has not yet been done because $\dots$
* Whole genome sequences of fungi are upcoming: [@fanComparativeGenomeSequence2020; @lofgrenPangenomeAspergillusFumigatus2022; @rhodesPopulationGenomicsConfirms2022]
* Standardisation is not a focus in the _A. fumigatus_ domain.
# Method {background-color="black" background-image="inclusions/blurred-asper.jpg" background-size="cover" background-opacity="0.5"}
1. Harmonise _existent_ metadata.
2. Develop a system for harmonising _new_ metadata.
3. Analyse phylogeography of *A. fumigatus*.
# Outlook {background-color="black" background-image="inclusions/blurred-asper.jpg" background-size="cover" background-opacity="0.5"}
* This would represent an innovation in the fungal database field.
* Existing solutions, like [globalfungi]( only focus
on the _ITS_ sequence.
* The solution could be generalised to plant epidemiology also.
# References {background-color="black" background-image="inclusions/blurred-asper.jpg" background-size="cover" background-opacity="0.5"}