\item{onsiteData}{A CSV file containing your onsite sanitation data. Defaults to example template from http://data.waterpathogens.org/dataset/5374462b-5bb5-456f-bfc0-816ea572666d/resource/4d9e5fba-9280-4b8b-acce-d1c87952acc1/download/onsitedata_example.csv}
\item{by}{Specify if you want to run the analysis by region or by subregion}
\item{pathogenType}{Pathogen group of interest (Virus, Bacteria, Protozoa, Helminths)}
This function predicts the flow of pathogens through onsite sanitation systems for data available through the UNICEF/WHO Joint Monitoring Program and provides an output that can be used directly by the Pathogen Mapping Tool.
This function predicts the pathogen loadings from onsite sanitation systems for data available through the UNICEF/WHO Joint Monitoring Program and provides an output that can be used directly by the Pathogen Mapping Tool.