#' This function predicts the flow of pathogens through onsite sanitation systems for data available through the UNICEF/WHO Joint Monitoring Program and provides an output that can be used directly by the Pathogen Mapping Tool.
#' This function predicts the pathogen loadings from onsite sanitation systems for data available through the UNICEF/WHO Joint Monitoring Program and provides an output that can be used directly by the Pathogen Mapping Tool.
#' @param onsiteData A CSV file containing your onsite sanitation data. Defaults to example template from http://data.waterpathogens.org/dataset/5374462b-5bb5-456f-bfc0-816ea572666d/resource/4d9e5fba-9280-4b8b-acce-d1c87952acc1/download/onsitedata_example.csv
#' @param by Specify if you want to run the analysis by region or by subregion
#' @param pathogenType Pathogen group of interest (Virus, Bacteria, Protozoa, Helminths)
@@ -30,18 +30,19 @@ The `getloadings` function requires the following three inputs:
### Inputs:
* onsiteData
* by
* pathogenType
The input `onsiteData` should refer to a data input file from the K2P Data Portal (data.waterpathogens.org). This file must be in a very specific format. An example file can be found [here](http://data.waterpathogens.org/dataset/5374462b-5bb5-456f-bfc0-816ea572666d/resource/4d9e5fba-9280-4b8b-acce-d1c87952acc1/download/onsitedata_example.csv).
The input **`pathogenType`** should be equal to either one of the following strings: c("Virus","Bacteria","Protozoa","Helminth").
## Example
The following shows the use of the getLoadings function for data from Kampala, Uganda, grouping the data by 'region' and showing results for the 'Virus' group.