- Jun 07, 2013
karolina authored
- Jun 06, 2013
- May 20, 2013
karolina authored
- May 13, 2013
karolina authored
in sv.write_to_file modified the prior/optimized identifier in function call to be prior/opt text instead of True/False
karolina authored
changed the function calls in order to remove need of sth.DaCycle = DaCycle in start_job. achieved by adding DaCycle to particular function calls and initializing tm5 with DaCycle as call parameter added the get_covariance generic function to the sv baseclass
- May 08, 2013
karolina authored
write_members_to_file: is called with _lag_ instead of lag +1, as inside there was a "lag-1" call... that one removed from inside as well write_sample_info changed to take the whole path as a parameter: so now we explicitly see the path in pipeline, plus we don't need to return it back. same for write_obs_to_file managed imports in obs files removed a need of using samples.DaCycle=DaCycle (now it is only passed in the "initialize" function)
karolina authored
- May 07, 2013
- May 02, 2013
- Apr 15, 2013
- Apr 09, 2013
Peters, Wouter authored
- Apr 08, 2013
Ingrid Luijkx authored
Changed expand_mixingratios to allow R and HPHR to be either matrix or vector depending on algorithm choice (serial or bulk).
Ingrid Luijkx authored
Changed R and HPHR matrices to vectors for serial minimum least squares algorithm in optimizer to save memory (the routines needed only vectors). For the bulk algorithm this is not possible, so nothing was changed for that option.
- Apr 04, 2013
karolina authored
- Mar 28, 2013
Peters, Wouter authored
Peters, Wouter authored
Peters, Wouter authored
Peters, Wouter authored
- Mar 26, 2013
Ingrid Luijkx authored
- Mar 25, 2013
Ingrid Luijkx authored
Ingrid Luijkx authored
Changed the localization routine and settings, so that the localization is actually used. Also added some extra logging messages related to localization.
- Mar 21, 2013
Ingrid Luijkx authored
Ingrid Luijkx authored
Ingrid Luijkx authored
- Mar 19, 2013
Peters, Wouter authored
Peters, Wouter authored
The code now tests for the presence of the optimizer file, which is False for the purely forward runs. If not present, some steps related to the forecast variables are skipped.
Peters, Wouter authored
Peters, Wouter authored
Minor changes to flow of sample_step and sample_state. Caught a possible problem with the get_initialdata for the ObsOperator, which also needs to happen for an advance step. Implemented the first outlines of a ForwardPipeline that simply runs TM5 with optimized parameters from another run. To be completed...
- Feb 27, 2013
karolina authored
reverted to r1186 (the last one from 2012), with changes in observation files from r1192-1194 preserved
- Feb 12, 2013
Ingrid Luijkx authored
Corrected reading in of may_reject and may_localize keys from sites_weights.rc, and option added to include only certain hours of the day (for obspack files containing hourly observations)
Ingrid Luijkx authored
Ingrid Luijkx authored
- Feb 01, 2013
karolina authored