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Dynamic Ecosystem Model Oosterschelde (DEMO).

Jeroen Wijsman (Wageningen Marine Research)

This wiki represents the technical reference of the DEMO model. In the table of contents below, links are included to the different topics

  • Introduction: short introduction of the model
  • Model Schematization: overview of the different schematizations that can be used with the model;
  • Hydrodynamics: overview of the implementation of water transport in the model.
  • NPZ (Nutrients, Phytoplankton, Zooplankton) model
    • State Variables: overview of the state variables included in the NPZ model
    • Physical Processes: processes included in the NPZ model.
    • Biological Processes: biological processes included in the model, such as primary production, mineralisation of detritus etc.
    • Shellfish growth: scope for growth model that describes the physiological processes for the shellfish species in the model
    • Parameters: parameters used in the NPZ model
  • Tracer model: Model to perform tracer calculations
  • Data: External data used by the model
  • Running the model: Main script to run the model simulation.
  • Visualization: shiny-app that has been developed to visualize the model results together with the observations. Model results can be visualized as time series and interactive maps.
  • Functions: description of the various functions included in the DEMO model
  • File structure: file structure of the DEMO model
  • References: References

For more information on the model: please contact Jeroen Wijsman