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Commit 92e5de8a authored by Knuiman, Bart's avatar Knuiman, Bart
Browse files

Remove GTFS

parent 69f8ac65
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using Sylvan.Data.Csv;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Reflection;
namespace WanderOV
public enum TransportType
public class Line
public string owner;
public string linePlanningNumber;
public string publicNumber; // What is shown on display front Bus/Tram. String because might C11.
public string fromName;
public string toName;
public TransportType transportType;
public class Destination
public string owner;
public string destCode;
public string mainDest;
public string destDetail;
public class Stop
public float lat;
public float lon;
public string name;
public class Trip
public string owner;
public string journeyCode;
public Line line;
public Destination dest;
public List<Stop> stops;
public class GTFS
string curZipPath;
string curEntry;
// Some codes appear to start with a character, therefore we use strings instead of ints.
Dictionary<int, Stop> stops = new Dictionary<int, Stop>();
Dictionary<string, Line> lines = new Dictionary<string, Line>();
Dictionary<string, Destination> destinations = new Dictionary<string, Destination>();
Dictionary<string, Trip> trips = new Dictionary<string, Trip>();
public void PrintStats()
Console.WriteLine( $"Stops {stops.Count}" );
Console.WriteLine( $"Lines {lines.Count}" );
Console.WriteLine( $"Destinations {destinations.Count}" );
Console.WriteLine( $"Trips {trips.Count}" );
static string MakeKey( CsvDataReader csv, out string owner, out string code )
owner = csv.GetString( 3 );
code = csv.GetString( 4 );
return string.Join( ':', owner, code );
void LoadLine( CsvDataReader csv )
var key = MakeKey( csv, out var owner, out var code );
if (!lines.ContainsKey( key ))
var line = new Line();
line.owner = owner;
line.linePlanningNumber = code;
line.publicNumber = csv.GetString( 5 );
string lineName = csv.GetString( 6 );
string [] fromTo = lineName.Split( '-' );
if (fromTo!=null)
if (fromTo.Length > 0)
line.fromName = fromTo[0];
if (fromTo.Length > 1)
line.toName = fromTo[1];
line.transportType = csv.GetString( 9 ) switch
"BUS" => TransportType.Bus,
"TRAM" => TransportType.Tram,
"TRAIN" => TransportType.Train,
"FERRY" => TransportType.Ferry,
_ => TransportType.Unknown
lines.Add( key, line );
Console.WriteLine($"Found duplicate line {code} in {curZipPath} and file {curEntry}");
void LoadDest( CsvDataReader csv )
var key = MakeKey( csv, out var owner, out var code );
if (!destinations.ContainsKey( key ))
var dest = new Destination();
dest.owner = owner;
dest.destCode = code;
dest.mainDest = csv.GetString( 6 );
dest.destDetail = csv.GetString( 7 );
destinations.Add( key, dest );
// It appears that multiple files have the same destination encoded, this happes because of region traffic. Ignore it.
// Console.WriteLine( $"Found duplicate destination {code} in {curZipPath} and file {curEntry}" );
void LoadStop( CsvDataReader csv )
var key = MakeKey( csv, out var owner, out var code );
if (!stops.ContainsKey( key ))
var stop = new Stop();
stop.owner = owner;
stop.pointCode = code;
stop.rdx = csv.GetInt32( 8 );
stop.rdy = csv.GetInt32( 9 );
var desc = csv.GetString( 11 );
string[] cityStop = desc.Split( ',' );
if ( cityStop.Length > 1 )
{ = cityStop[1]; = cityStop[0];
else if ( cityStop.Length > 0 )
{ = cityStop[0];
stops.Add( key, stop );
// Console.WriteLine( $"Found duplicate stop {pointCode} in {curZipPath} and file {curEntry}" );
void LoadJourney( CsvDataReader csv )
var key = MakeKey( csv, out var owner, out var code );
if (!journeys.TryGetValue( key, out var journey ))
journey = new Journey();
journey.owner = owner;
journey.journeyCode = code;
destinations.TryGetValue( csv.GetString( 10 ), out journey.dest );
lines.TryGetValue( csv.GetString( 4 ), out journey.line );
journey.stops = new List<Stop>();
journeys.Add( key , journey );
stops.TryGetValue( csv.GetString( 8 ), out var stop );
journey.stops.Add( stop );
void LoadFile(string tag, ZipArchiveEntry entry, Action<CsvDataReader> cb )
if (entry.Name.StartsWith( tag ) && entry.Name.EndsWith( "TMI" ) && !entry.Name.EndsWith("DTMI")/*Dead*/)
curEntry = entry.Name;
using var sr = new StreamReader( entry.Open() );
using var csv = CsvDataReader.Create( sr );
while (csv.Read()) { cb( csv ); }
public void LoadAll(string folder)
string strExeFilePath = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
string strWorkPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(strExeFilePath);
string searchPath = Path.Combine( strWorkPath, folder );
if (!Directory.Exists( searchPath ))
Console.WriteLine( searchPath + " does not exist, nothing loaded." );
var zippedTmiArchives = Directory.GetFiles( searchPath, "*.zip", SearchOption.AllDirectories );
foreach ( var zipPath in zippedTmiArchives)
curZipPath = Path.GetFileName( zipPath );
if (zipPath == null)
Console.WriteLine( "Loaded " + Path.GetFileName( zipPath ));
// try
using var archive = ZipFile.OpenRead( zipPath );
foreach (ZipArchiveEntry entry in archive.Entries)
LoadFile( "LINE", entry, LoadLine );
LoadFile( "DEST", entry, LoadDest );
LoadFile( "POINT", entry, LoadStop );
var jopali = archive.Entries.Where(e => e.Name.Contains( "JOPATILI" ) );
foreach( ZipArchiveEntry entry in jopali )
LoadFile( "JOPATILI", entry, LoadJourney );
// catch { }
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -15,10 +15,6 @@
<None Remove="Code\GTFS.cs_" />
<Resource Include="Code\OVParsers\GTFS.cs_" />
<None Include="..\.editorconfig" Link=".editorconfig" />
<None Include="Code\OVParsers\KV1.cs" />
0% Loading or .
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