Created by Ines Adriaens & Harmen Doekes
Created on November, 30 2022
Arduino project "butterflies"
Sinterklaas surprise "escape bucket" is an Arduino project in which we built an escape box with puzzles as surprise themed "(night) butterflies".
Hardware Arduino
** Following components are needed for the arduino functionality**
- 2 Arduino nanos
- 6 LEDs
- temperature sensor
- 1 speaker
- 6 push buttons
- 2 resistances of 180 Ohm (variation: 2 LED in connected in series)
- 1 resistance of 470Ohm
- 2 breadboards
- jumper wires
the BOX (non-electronic arduino hardware)
- box (ours was size 41x45x45cm) with a double bottom for the wiring and to hide the presents
- butterflies in paper for determination + determination charts with numbers according to the locks
- keylock(s) with keys with numbers
- keylock with key
Puzzle components
- Lock 1 = 2 butterflies + one song
- 2 LED
- in the song, one note is skipped. First the song needs to be