The **getLoadings** function allows you to predict annual loadings of water pathogens from the onsite sanitation system technologies used in a given region of the world.
| Excreted | Number of pathogens excreted per year |
| To groundwater | Number of pathogens emitted to groundwater each year |
| To the surface | Number of pathogens emitted to the surface each year |
| Retained in subsurface | Number of pathogens retained in the subsurface each year |
| Decayed/inactivated | Number of pathogens inactivated per year |
| Conveyed in fecal sludge to treatment | Number of pathogens conveyed each year to treatment in fecal sludge |
| Conveyed in sewerage to treatment | Number of pathogens conveyed each year to treatment in sewerage |
The 'getLoadings'
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