if(results$In_Fecal_Sludge>0&any(nodes$subType=="fecal sludge")==FALSE){#if the onsite system produces fecal sludge but the treatment plant does not accept any
warnings[length(warnings)+1]<-"Warning: The onsite sanitation technologies in your system produce fecal sludge, but according to your sketch, the treatment plant does not accept fecal sludge.")
if(sum(results[mySketch,]$In_Sewage)==0|(any(results[mySketch,]$In_Sewage>0)==TRUE&any(nodes$subType=="sewerage")==FALSE)){#if the onsite system produces sewerage but the treatment plant does not accept any
warnings[length(warnings)+1]<-paste("Warning: The onsite sanitation technologies in",mySketch,"produce sewerage, but according to your sketch, the treatment plant does not appear to be accepting sewerage.")
if(sum(results[[h]][sketches[k],]$In_Fecal_Sludge)==0|(any(results[[h]][sketches[k],]$In_Fecal_Sludge>0)==TRUE&any(nodes[[k]]$subType=="fecal sludge")==FALSE)){#if the onsite system produces fecal sludge but the treatment plant does not accept any
warnings[length(warnings)+1]<-paste("Warning: The onsite sanitation technologies in",sketches[k],"produce fecal sludge, but according to your sketch, the treatment plant does not appear to be accepting fecal sludge.")
if(sum(results[[h]][sketches[k],]$In_Sewage)==0|(any(results[[h]][sketches[k],]$In_Sewage>0)==TRUE&any(nodes[[k]]$subType=="sewerage")==FALSE)){#if the onsite system produces sewerage but the treatment plant does not accept any
warnings[length(warnings)+1]<-paste("Warning: The onsite sanitation technologies in",sketches[k],"produce sewerage, but according to your sketch, the treatment plant does not appear to be accepting sewerage.")
The `getLoadings` function allows you to predict annual loadings of water pathogens from the onsite sanitation system technologies used in a given region of the world.
The `pathogenflows` package contains two functions that can be used to predict pathogen flows throughout sanitation systems.
The `getLoadings` function allows you to predict annual loadings of water pathogens from onsite sanitation system technologies used in a given region of the world.
The `getLRV` function allows you to predict the overall log<sub>10</sub> reduction value for viral, bacterial, protozoan, or helminth pathogens by a custom wastewater treatment plant, specified using the [K2P Sketcher Tool](http://tools.waterpathogens.org/sketcher/).
## getLoadings
### Inputs:
@@ -45,10 +51,29 @@ The function outputs a list with a dataframe for each `subregion`, where each su
| `stillViable` | Still viable | Total number of pathogens that remain viable (`stillViable + decayed = excreted`) |
| `onsiteLRV` | Onsite log reduction value | The base 10 logarithmic reduction of pathogens achieved by onsite sanitation (`Onsite_LRV = log10(excreted/stillViable)`) |
## getLRV
### Inputs:
The `getLRV` function requires the following two inputs:
* sketch
* pathogenType
* inFecalSludge
* inSewage
The input `sketch` should refer to a JSON file that describes the wastewater or fecal sludge treatment plant. This file must be in a very specific format. An example file can be found [here](http://data.waterpathogens.org/dataset/a1423a05-7680-4d1c-8d67-082fbeb00a50/resource/e7852e8f-9603-4b19-a5fa-9cb3cdc63bb8/download/sketch_lubigi.json). A file like this can be created using the [K2P Sketcher Tool](http://tools.waterpathogens.org/sketcher/).
The input `pathogenType` should be equal to either one of the following strings: `c("Virus","Bacteria","Protozoa","Helminth")`.
### Outputs:
The function outputs a dataframe with the following values:
`dataframe goes here`

## Example
## Examples
The following shows the use of the getLoadings function for data from Kampala, Uganda, grouping the data by 'region' and showing results for the 'Virus' group.