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This repository contains a couple of scripts to make living with the WUR git repo a bit easier. Feel free to add code, by forking, coding and creating a merge request.
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Scripts to retrieve and distribute the latest BLAST databases from NCBI
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Remote Sensing data preparation for the ROBIN project (Using R)
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Script for the published paper doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1733-8
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R Scripts and data used for article "Assessment of uncertainties in greenhouse gas emission profiles of livestock sectors in Africa, Latin America and Europe" by Biqing Zhu, Johannes Kros, Jan Peter Lesschen, Igor G. Staritsky and Wim de Vries
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Calculate the diversity of your gene clusters! Using hmmscan to find the pfam domains. Jaccard, DDS, GK as distance metrics including sequence similarity as a modifier. It outputs tab delimited network files that can be visualized in Cytoscape.
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A script for retrieval of SMILES chemical data of compounds produced by Biosynthetic Gene Clusters. Data is gathered from the MIBiG repository (single package with all entries in JSON format)