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The script focuses on assessing tree vitality trends in urban areas of the Netherlands using high-resolution satellite data and vegetation indices. It employs tree segmentation, trend analysis with weighted linear regression, and classification based on slope values. The methodology enables scalable monitoring of tree health and stress, providing valuable insights for urban forestry management and planning.
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ISRIC / SoilGrids / soilgrids.notebooks
European Union Public License 1.2Updated -
Contains Instructions how to set up iRODS for sysadmins and training material for different user goups.
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Model for Nature Policy 🌿🦋🦆 / MNP
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalHet MNP model zelf.
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This is a git to host code and data for the MSc course Machine Learning at the Wageningen University
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FLiTrak3D (or FLIT for “FLight Insect Tracker”) is a Python package that prepare video recordings to be used by DeepLabCut (simple 2D/3D tracking, cropping and stitching). Then use DeepLabCut to estimate the 2D coordinates of various bodyparts of a flying insect and fit a 3D skeleton to these 2D coordinates
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Blok, Pieter / SizeCNN
Apache License 2.0CNN methods that estimate the diameter of the crop, even when it's occluded.
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Roelofsen, Hans / MRT+
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalMulti Reclass Tool for geospatial rasters.
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Scripts and resources used for my MSc Thesis at the Bioinformatics chair group.
The goal this project is to create a pipeline that automates the secondary metabolite phylogenetic analysis of fungi to a certain extent.
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A script for retrieval of SMILES chemical data of compounds produced by Biosynthetic Gene Clusters. Data is gathered from the MIBiG repository (single package with all entries in JSON format)
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Calculate the diversity of your gene clusters! Using hmmscan to find the pfam domains. Jaccard, DDS, GK as distance metrics including sequence similarity as a modifier. It outputs tab delimited network files that can be visualized in Cytoscape.
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