Caretta is a software-suite to perform multiple protein structure alignment and structure feature extraction.
Visit the demo server to see caretta's capabilities. The server only allows alignment of up to 50 proteins at once. The command-line tool and self-hosted web application do not have this restriction.
Caretta works with Python 3.7+ Run the following commands to install required external dependencies:
conda install -c salilab dssp
conda install -c bioconda msms
Download caretta
git clone
cd caretta
Install both the command-line interface and the web-application:
pip install -e ".[GUI]"
cd bin
chmod +x caretta-cli
chmod +x caretta-app
Install only the command-line interface:
pip install .
cd bin
chmod +x caretta-cli
Environment variables:
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 # this should always be 1
export NUMBA_NUM_THREADS=20 # change to required number of threads
Command-line Usage
./caretta-cli input_pdb_folder
# e.g. ./caretta-cli ../test_data
# caretta-cli -h for more options
Web-application Usage
./caretta-app <host-ip> <port>
# e.g. caretta-app localhost 8091