! normal : run the inverse pipeline to do a data-assimilation experiment
! nature : forecast an optimized or prior state to stations without doing optimization. Note, if you only want the mean you have to set nmembers to 1.
! WARNING (1 member with statevector not tested). runs the forward pipeline
! emission : run to trace emissions without optimization ensemble members ignored (is set to 1 for sanity auto) can be used for debugging. kown also as fwd mode. runs the forward pipeline
! offline : reanalysis from existing run. linker script to link required - still experimental runs the offline pipeline.
ct.enkf.mode : nature
! CTE enkf type
! Valid options: < classic | ctsf | LW >
! AvdB note: when running fwd pipeline choose LW - otherwise it does't copy tm5 output at the right moment for job t+1
! normal : run the inverse pipeline to do a data-assimilation experiment
! nature : forecast an optimized or prior state to stations without doing optimization. Note, if you only want the mean you have to set nmembers to 1.
! WARNING (1 member with statevector not tested). runs the forward pipeline
! emission : run to trace emissions without optimization ensemble members ignored (is set to 1 for sanity auto) can be used for debugging. kown also as fwd mode. runs the forward pipeline
! offline : reanalysis from existing run. linker script to link required - still experimental runs the offline pipeline.
ct.enkf.mode : normal
! CTE enkf type
! Valid options: < classic | ctsf | LW >
! AvdB note: when running fwd pipeline choose LW - otherwise it does't copy tm5 output at the right moment for job t+1