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Commit a2a14e42 authored by Cribellier, Antoine's avatar Cribellier, Antoine
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Wrote a test function test_calib_multi_focus to test calibration of one camera...

Wrote a test function test_calib_multi_focus to test calibration of one camera for multiple focus distances and focal lentghs
parent 308df0ed
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1 merge request!10Major development of the various modules + many bugs were solved
import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List
......@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ from typing import List
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from camera import calib
# Code for calibration mirrors mounted on gimbals + virtual cameras
# TODO: Read calibration data (April tag position in 3D vs size and position in pixels vs orientation of mirror (in steps of stepper motors)
......@@ -17,23 +19,32 @@ from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
class CameraCalibMultiFocuses:
""" Class for keeping track of the intrinsic parameters of a camera for multiple focus positions.
""" Class for keeping track of the intrinsic parameters of a camera for multiple distances of focus plan.
distances = List[float] = None # List of distance between camera and multiple focus points
def __init__(self, xps: List[float], yps: List[float], fxs: List[float], fys: List[float], distances: List[float]):
xps: List of multiple x coordinate of camera principal point (pixels) for each distances of focus plan
yps: List of multiple y coordinate of camera principal point (pixels) for each distances of focus plan
fxs: List of multiple camera focal length along x (pixels) for each distances of focus plan
fys: List of multiple camera focal length along y (pixels) for each distances of focus plan
distances: List of distances between camera and focus plan
# Coordinates of principal points (if a camera sensor is N*M pixels, xp ~ N/2 and yp ~ M/2
self.xps = xps # type: List[float]
self.yps = yps # type: List[float]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Intrinsic parameters:
# Coordinates of principal points (if a camera sensor is N*M pixels, xp ~ N/2 and yp ~ M/2
xps = List[float] = None # List of xp for multiple focus points (pixels)
yps = List[float] = None # List of yp
# Focal lengths of the camera
self.fxs = fxs # type: List[float]
self.fys = fys # type: List[float]
# Focal lengths of the camera
fxs = List[float] = None # List of fx for multiple focus points (m)
fys = List[float] = None # List of fy
self.distances = distances # type: List[float]
assert len(distances) == len(xps) and len(distances) == len(fxs)
assert len(xps) == len(yps) and len(fxs) == len(fys)
assert len(distances) == len(xps) and len(distances) == len(fxs)
assert len(xps) == len(yps) and len(fxs) == len(fys)
def get_intrinsic(self, distance):
""" Get intrinsic parameters of the camera for a given focus distance.
......@@ -64,29 +75,37 @@ class CameraCalibMultiFocuses:
return fxp(distance), fyp(distance), ffx(distance), ffy(distance)
def from_dict(dict):
"""Creates a CameraCalibMultiFocuses dataclass
def from_dlt_coefs(dlt_coefs: List[List[float]], x_focus: List[float]):
""" Creates a CameraCalibMultiFocuses dataclass from
dict: Dictionary to use.
dlt_coefs: List of DLT coefficients of one camera for multiple focus distances (nb_distance*11).
x_focus: List of x coordinates of the focus plan
return CameraCalibMultiFocuses(**dict)
assert len(dlt_coefs) == len(x_focus)
def from_csv(csv_path):
"""Creates a CameraCalibMultiFocuses dataclass
# Generate intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from dlt_coefs
coords, quats = np.zeros((len(x_focus), 3)), np.zeros((len(x_focus), 4))
xps, yps, fxs, fys = np.zeros(len(x_focus)), np.zeros(len(x_focus)), np.zeros(len(x_focus)), np.zeros(len(x_focus))
for i in range(0, len(x_focus)):
xps[i], yps[i], fxs[i], fys[i] = calib.intrinsic_from_dlt_coef(dlt_coefs[i])
coords[i], quats[i] = calib.extrinsic_from_dlt_coef(dlt_coefs[i], (xps[i], yps[i], fxs[i], fys[i]))
csv_path: path to the csv file that contains calibration parameters for multiple focus distances
x_cams = [coord[0] for coord in coords]
# y_cams = [coord[1] for coord in coords]
# z_cams = [coord[2] for coord in coords]
# # To check that camera didn't move during the calibration
# np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0.0, np.nanstd(x_cams), decimal=4)
# np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0.0, np.nanstd(y_cams), decimal=4)
# np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0.0, np.nanstd(z_cams), decimal=4)
# Generate CameraCalibMultiFocuses class
distances = x_focus - x_cams
dict = np.genfromtxt(csv_path, delimiter=',', skip_header=0, names=True)
return CameraCalibMultiFocuses(xps, yps, fxs, fys, distances)
return CameraCalibMultiFocuses.from_dict(dict)
import copy
import itertools
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from pyquaternion import Quaternion
from camera import cameras, calib, calib_gimbals
def test_calib_multi_focus():
show_plot = False
ind_to_plot = 0 # Index of focus distance to plot
in_degrees = True
norm_vect_init = [0., 0., 1.]
with_cst_focal_length = False # Will adjust focal length (zoom in/out) to keep all the 3d points in the full image
# # Without noize
# sigma = 0
# max_mean_err_px = 10e-5
# decimal = 4
# With noize (std = 2 pixels)
sigma = 1
max_mean_err_px = 3
decimal = -1
pixel_size = 10e-5
width_sensor = 0.2
# Camera #1
coords_principal_pt = [1024, 1024] # So image size is 2024 x 2024 px
# distance_camera_to_focus_point / width_field_view_around_focus_point * width_sensor (m)
focal_length = 1 / 0.1 * width_sensor / pixel_size # (pixels) for an angle of view = 5.7°
focal_lengths = [focal_length, focal_length]
coords = [0, 0, 0]
quat = Quaternion(axis=[0, 1, 0], degrees=90)
cam1 = cameras.Camera(coords_principal_pt, focal_lengths, coords, quat, in_degrees=in_degrees)
cam1.sensor_size = np.array(coords_principal_pt) * 2
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate fake calibration (dlt_coefs vs various focus distances)
x_range = np.linspace(0.5, 2.5, 10)
x_focus_offset = 0.02
yz = list(itertools.combinations_with_replacement([-0.2, -0.07, 0, 0.12, 0.2], 2))
yz = [list(coord) for coord in yz]
# yz = [yz[i] for i in np.random.choice(len(yz), 4)] # To reduce number of 2d points to min needed for dlt_coefs
quat_back_to_init = cam1.quat.inverse
dlt_coefs_vs_focus, repro_errs = [], []
for x_focus in x_range:
if not with_cst_focal_length:
# Correct focal length of the camera to fit all the 3d points in angle of view
cam1.f = x_focus / np.max(yz) * width_sensor / pixel_size
xyz = np.array([[np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]])
for factor_offset in [-1, 1]: # At each focus distance, offset plan with yz along x axis (towards/away from cam)
x_offsetted = x_focus + factor_offset*x_focus_offset
xyz = np.append(xyz, [[x_offsetted, coords[0], coords[1]] for coords in yz], axis=0)
xyz = xyz[1:]
if show_plot and x_focus == x_range[ind_to_plot]:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
for coords in xyz:
ax.scatter(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], marker='*', color='k', s=10)
ax.scatter(cam1.X, cam1.Y, cam1.Z, marker='+', color='r', s=40)
ax.quiver(cam1.X, cam1.Y, cam1.Z, cam1.norm_vect[0], cam1.norm_vect[1], cam1.norm_vect[2], length=0.2,
ax.set_xlabel('x [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('y [m]')
ax.set_zlabel('z [m]')
fig2 = plt.figure()
ax2 = Axes3D(fig2)
uv = []
for coords in xyz:
obj = cameras.Object3D(coords, [0, 0, 0], in_degrees=in_degrees)
obj.transpose(- cam1.coords)
# Coordinates in image plan: with Z axis normal to image plan, need initial normal vector to be [0, 0, 1]
cur_uv = - cam1.f / obj.Z * np.array([obj.X, obj.Y]) # (m)
cur_uv = cur_uv * pixel_size # (pixels)
# cur_uv = - cur_uv # rotate image to avoid it being upside down
if show_plot and x_focus == x_range[ind_to_plot]:
ax2.scatter(obj.X, obj.Y, obj.Z, marker='*', color='k', s=10)
ax2.scatter(cur_uv[0], cur_uv[1], - cam1.f * pixel_size, marker='*', color='g', s=10)
ax2.plot([obj.X, cur_uv[0]], [obj.Y, cur_uv[1]], [obj.Z, - cam1.f * pixel_size], marker='',
if show_plot and x_focus == x_range[ind_to_plot]:
cam_p = copy.deepcopy(cam1)
cam_p.transpose(- cam_p.coords)
ax2.scatter(cam_p.X, cam_p.Y, cam_p.Z, marker='+', color='r', s=40)
ax2.quiver(cam_p.X, cam_p.Y, cam_p.Z,
cam_p.norm_vect[0], cam_p.norm_vect[1], cam_p.norm_vect[2], length=0.2, color='r')
ax2.set_xlabel('x [m]')
ax2.set_ylabel('y [m]')
ax2.set_zlabel('z [m]')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Convert to pixel coordinates
# pixel_size = np.amax(uv) / np.min(cam.sensor_size)) / 2
uv = np.array(uv) / pixel_size + cam1.sensor_size / 2 # scale meters to pixels
# Add noize to 2d coordinates
uv = uv + np.reshape(np.random.normal(0, sigma, len(uv) * 2), [len(uv), 2])
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate DLT coefficients for each camera
# dlt_coef, repro_err = calib.estimDLT(3, xyz, uv) # Will no produce dlt_coef from an orthogonal matrix
dlt_coef, repro_err = calib.estimMDLT(xyz, uv, show_plot=(show_plot and x_focus == x_range[ind_to_plot]))
assert repro_err <= max_mean_err_px
cam_calib = calib_gimbals.CameraCalibMultiFocuses.from_dlt_coefs(dlt_coefs_vs_focus, x_range)
if show_plot:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(repro_errs, marker='+', color='g')
ax.set_xlabel('# iteration')
ax.set_ylabel('reprojection error')
fig2, axs = plt.subplots(4)
fig2.suptitle('Intrinsic parameters vs focus distances')
axs[0].plot(x_range, cam_calib.xps)
axs[0].set_ylabel('x principal point [px]')
axs[1].plot(x_range, cam_calib.yps)
axs[1].set_ylabel('y principal point [px]')
axs[2].plot(x_range, cam_calib.fxs)
axs[3].set_ylabel('x focal length [px]')
axs[3].plot(x_range, cam_calib.fys)
axs[3].set_xlabel('x focus length [m]')
axs[3].set_ylabel('y focal length [px]')
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compare dlt_coef gotten from intrinsic parameters interpolated from calib to coef gotten from uv/xyz
distance = 0.86
xyz = np.array([[np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]])
for factor_offset in [-1, 1]: # At each focus distance, offset plan with yz along x axis (towards/away from cam)
x_offsetted = distance + factor_offset * x_focus_offset
xyz = np.append(xyz, [[x_offsetted, coords[0], coords[1]] for coords in yz], axis=0)
xyz = xyz[1:]
uv = []
for coords in xyz:
obj = cameras.Object3D(coords, [0, 0, 0], in_degrees=in_degrees)
obj.transpose(- cam1.coords)
cur_uv = - cam1.f / obj.Z * np.array([obj.X, obj.Y]) # (m)
cur_uv = cur_uv * pixel_size # (pixels)
uv = np.array(uv) / pixel_size + cam1.sensor_size / 2 # scale meters to pixels
uv = uv + np.reshape(np.random.normal(0, sigma, len(uv) * 2), [len(uv), 2])
dlt_coef, repro_err = calib.estimMDLT(xyz, uv, show_plot=(show_plot and x_focus == x_range[ind_to_plot]))
xp, yp, fx, fy = cam_calib.get_intrinsic(distance)
dlt_coef2 = calib.dlt_coef_from_intrinsic_extrinsic(xp, yp, fx, fy, cam1.coords, cam1.quat)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(dlt_coef, dlt_coef2, decimal=decimal)
def test_calib_gimbal_system():
# TODO write test functions to test calibration of gimbal system
assert 1 == 0
def test_virtual_cameras():
# TODO write test functions to test virtual camera when the mirror is moving, etc ...
assert 1 == 0
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def test_pinhole_cameras():
pixel_size = 10e-5
# Camera #1
coords_principal_pt = [1024, 1024]
coords_principal_pt = [1024, 1024] # So image size is 2024 x 2024 px
# distance_camera_to_focus_point / width_field_view_around_focus_point * width_sensor (m)
focal_length = 1/0.5 * 0.02 / pixel_size # (pixels) for an angle of view = 28°
focal_lengths = [focal_length, focal_length]
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ def test_pinhole_cameras():
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(uv, uv2, decimal=decimal)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from DLT coefficients
# re-Generate intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from DLT coefficients
new_cams = []
for i, dlt_coef in enumerate(dlt_coefs):
......@@ -202,11 +202,3 @@ def test_pinhole_cameras():
ax.set_ylabel('y [m]')
ax.set_zlabel('z [m]')
def test_virtual_pinhole_cameras():
# TODO write test functions to test virtual camera calibration when the mirror is moving, etc ...
assert 0 == 1
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