❗ This template assumes you are familiar with the concepts explained in the [Mini template](https://github.com/adraismawur/python-template-mini)
❗ This template assumes you are familiar with the concepts explained in the [Mini template](https://git.wur.nl/bif-templates/python-templates/python-template-mini)
❗ Furthermore, this template assumes you are somewhat familiar with:
@@ -35,31 +35,35 @@ That part is up to you :)
### Set up the repository (local only)
❕Choose this if you are just starting out, or if you do not want to create a page on Github for your code.
❕Choose this if you are just starting out, or if you do not want to create a page on GitLab for your code.
1. On this GitHub page, click the **Code** dropdown button in the top-right
1. On this GitLab page, click the download button in the top-right, between _Edit_ and the blue _Clone_ button.
2. Click Download ZIP
3. Extract the files somewhere in a new directory
4.Open a shell in the directory where you have extracted the files
5.Edit the readme file to describe your project
4.Edit the readme file to describe your project
5.Open a shell in the directory where you have extracted the files
6. Run `git add .` to stage all files
7. Run `git commit -m "initial commit"` to make your first commit
7. Run `Git commit -m "initial commit"` to make your first commit
### Set up a remote repository (on GitHub)
### Set up a remote repository (on GitLab)
❕Choose this if you want to ensure your code is always saved online, or if you want to share your code.
1. Create a new repository of your own by pressing the green button in the top right named "use this template" -> Create a new repository.
Or [click here](https://github.com/new?template_name=python-template-midi&template_owner=adraismawur)
2. Give your repository a nice name and description
3. Choose whether you want the repository to be public (anyone can see your code), or private.
4. Press "Create repository"
You will be taken to your own github repository page after a few seconds.
1. Create a new repository of your own by navigating through the sidebar on the left,
Or [click here](https://git.wur.nl/projects/new)
2. Click "Import project"
3. Click "repository by URL"
4. In the text box under "Git repository URL, enter ```https://git.wur.nl/bif-templates/python-templates/python-template-mini.git```
5. Do not enter anything in the username or password forms
6. Give your repository a nice name and description
7. Choose whether you want the repository to be public (anyone can see your code), or private.
8. Press "Create project"
You will be taken to your own GitLab repository page after a few seconds.
From here, you can make edits directly to your files, but it is more practical to download your repository to your local device. (cloning)
1. On your github repository page, click the green button with the text "Code" in the top-right
2. Copy the URL that starts with ```git@github.com:```
1. On your GitLab repository page, click the blue button with the text "Code" in the top-right
2. Copy the URL that starts with ```git@git.wur.nl:``` under "Clone with SSH"
3. On your device, open a terminal and navigate to a folder where you want your project to be stored
4. Use the command ```git clone [git url from step 2]```
@@ -85,7 +89,7 @@ These elements will help you in the future if you want to make an application th
## What is included in this repository?
- Everything that is included in the [Mini repository](https://github.com/adraismawur/python-template-mini)
- Everything that is included in the [Mini repository](https://git.wur.nl/bif-templates/python-templates/python-template-mini)