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Commit fe6f8c8d authored by Aflitos, Saulo Alves's avatar Aflitos, Saulo Alves
Browse files


parent 00809638
Branches master
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import argparse
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
def sanitize(n):
return n.lower().replace(" ", "_").replace(".", "_")
class table(object):
def __init__(self, lines, has_header=True, has_row_name=True):
self.lines = lines
self.has_header = has_header
self.has_row_name = has_row_name
self.header = []
self.rows = [] = []
def process(self):
for line_num, line in enumerate(self.lines.split("\n")):
cols = [l.strip() for l in line.split("\t")]
if line_num == 0:
if self.has_header:
self.header = cols
elif self.has_row_name:
self.rows.append(cols[0] )[1:])
if len(cols) > 0 and sum([len(c) for c in cols]) > 0:
if len(cols) > 0 and sum([len(c) for c in cols]) > 0:
if self.has_row_name:
self.rows.append(cols[0] )[1:])
def to_html(self, tb_id, tb_class, decimals=1, colored=False, no_diag=False):
tb_class = sanitize(tb_class)
#return OrderedDict((('header', self.header), ('rows', self.rows), ('data',
if no_diag:
for a in xrange(len([a][a] = None
min_val = min([min([float(e) for e in d if e is not None]) for d in])
max_val = max([max([float(e) for e in d if e is not None]) for d in])
print "min_val {} max_val {}".format(min_val, max_val)
res = [' <table id="{}" class="table_header {}" min_val="{}" max_val="{}">'.format(tb_id, tb_class + (" colored" if colored else ""), min_val, max_val)]
if self.has_header:
res.append( ' <tr row_num="-1" row_name="_HEADER_" class="header_row {tb_class}_header">'.format(**{
'tb_class' : tb_class ,
}) )
for col_num, col_name in enumerate(self.header):
res.append( ' <th col_num="{col_num}" col_name="{col_name}" class="header_cell {tb_class}_header {tb_class}_th"><div><span>{col_name}</span></div></th>'.format(**{
'col_num' : col_num ,
'col_name' : col_name ,
'tb_class' : tb_class ,
}) )
res.append( ' </tr>' )
for row_num, row in enumerate(
row_name = row_num
if len(row) == 0:
res.append( ' <tr row_num="{row_num}" row_name="{row_name}" class="table_row {tb_class}_row">'.format(**{
'row_num' : row_num ,
'row_name' : row_name ,
'tb_class' : tb_class ,
}) )
for col_num, col_val in enumerate(row):
if self.has_row_name and col_num == 0:
row_name = self.rows[row_num]
res.append( ' <th col_num="{col_num}" col_name="{col_name}" row_num="{row_num}" row_name="{row_name}" class="row_name {tb_class}_row_name {tb_class}_th">{row_name}</th>'.format(**{
'col_num' : col_num ,
'col_name' : self.header[col_num],
'row_num' : row_num ,
'row_name' : row_name ,
'tb_class' : tb_class
}) )
if self.has_row_name:
col_num += 1
col_name = col_num
if self.has_header:
col_name = self.header[col_num]
if col_val is None:
col_val = "-"
if '.' in col_val:
col_val = ("{:,."+str(decimals)+"f}").format(float(col_val))
col_val = "{:,d}".format(int(col_val))
res.append( ' <td col_num="{col_num}" col_name="{col_name}" row_num="{row_num}" row_name="{row_name}" class="cell {tb_class}_td">{col_val}</th>'.format(**{
'col_num' : col_num ,
'col_name' : self.header[col_num],
'row_num' : row_num ,
'row_name' : row_name ,
'row_name_s': sanitize(row_name) ,
'tb_class' : tb_class ,
'col_val' : col_val
}) )
res.append( ' </tr>' )
res.append( ' </table>' )
return "\n".join(res)
def main():
basename = sys.argv[1]
f_json, f_stats, f_count, f_matrix = [x.format(basename) for x in ("{}.json","{}.json.count.csv","{}.json.csv","{}.json.jaccard.matrix")]
for f in (f_json, f_stats, f_count, f_matrix):
if not os.path.exists(f):
print "input file {} does not exists".format(f)
json = open(f_json , 'r').read()
stats = open(f_stats , 'r').read()
count = open(f_count , 'r').read()
matrix = open(f_matrix, 'r').read()
stats_t = table(stats , has_header=True, has_row_name=True ).to_html( 'stats_table' , 'stats_table' , decimals=1, colored=False, no_diag=False )
count_t = table(count , has_header=True, has_row_name=True ).to_html( 'count_table' , 'count_table' , decimals=1, colored=True , no_diag=True )
matrix_t = table(matrix, has_header=True, has_row_name=True ).to_html( 'matrix_table', 'matrix_table', decimals=5, colored=True , no_diag=True )
res = TEMPLATE.format(**{
"title" : basename,
"json" : '' , #json ,
"count" : count_t ,
"stats" : stats_t ,
"matrix": matrix_t,
"script": '<script>{}</script>'.format(SCRIPT),
"css" : '<style>{}</style>' .format(CSS ),
# "script": '<script src="{}.js"></script>'.format(basename),
# "css" : '<link rel="stylesheet" href="{}.css">'.format(basename)
#print res
open("{}.html".format(basename), 'w').write(res)
TEMPLATE = """<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src=""></script>
<script type="application/json" id="json">
<div id="stats">
<div id="count">
<div id="matrix">
SCRIPT = """
function isNumeric(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
var bscale = chroma.scale(['yellow' , 'orange', 'red' ]);
var fscale = chroma.scale(['black', 'white']);
function heatMapColorforValue(min_val, max_val, value){
2-3-4-5 = (2 - 2) / (5 - 2) = 0 / 3 = 0
2-3-4-5 = (3 - 2) / (5 - 2) = 1 / 3 = 0.3
2-3-4-5 = (4 - 2) / (5 - 2) = 2 / 3 = 0.6
2-3-4-5 = (5 - 2) / (5 - 2) = 3 / 3 = 1.0
var ival = (value - min_val) / (max_val - min_val);
var bcolor = bscale(ival).hex();
var fcolor = fscale(ival).hex();
return [ival, bcolor, fcolor];
function color_cells() {
var coloreds = document.getElementsByClassName("colored");
console.log(coloreds.length, coloreds);
for (var c = 0; c < coloreds.length; c++) {
var e = coloreds[c];
var min_val = parseFloat(e.getAttribute('min_val'));
var max_val = parseFloat(e.getAttribute('max_val'));
var tds = e.getElementsByTagName("td");
//console.log(" TDS", tds.length, tds);
for ( var t = 0; t < tds.length; t++) {
var td = tds[t];
var value = parseFloat(td.innerHTML.replace(/,/g, ""));
if ( isNumeric(value) ) {
var cdata = heatMapColorforValue(min_val, max_val, value);
var prop = cdata[0];
var bcolor = cdata[1];
var fcolor = cdata[2]; = bcolor;
// = fcolor;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", color_cells);
CSS = """
th.header_cell {
text-align: left;
height: 500px;
th.header_cell > div {
/*float: left;*/
/*translate(25px, 51px)*/
translate(15px, 180px)
width: 50px;
/*transform-origin: left top 0;*/
th.header_cell > div > span {
/*border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;*/
padding: 5px 10px;
th.row_name {
text-align: left;
td.cell {
text-align: right;
/*text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000;*/
th {
white-space: nowrap;
<div id="stats">
<table id="stats_table" class=table_header "stats_table">
<tr row_num="-1" row_name="_HEADER_" class="header_row stats_table_header">
<th col_num="0" col_name="NAME" class="header_cell stats_table_header stats_table_th">NAME</th>
<th col_num="1" col_name="TOTAL" class="header_cell stats_table_header stats_table_th">TOTAL</th>
<th col_num="2" col_name="VALID" class="header_cell stats_table_header stats_table_th">VALID</th>
<th col_num="3" col_name="PROP" class="header_cell stats_table_header stats_table_th">PROP</th>
<tr row_num="176" row_name="176" class="table_row stats_table_row">
<th col_num="0" col_name="NAME" row_num="176" row_name="Tribolium castaneum" class="row_name stats_table_row_name stats_table_th">Tribolium castaneum</th>
<td col_num="1" col_name="TOTAL" row_num="176" row_name="Tribolium castaneum" class="cell stats_table_td">6581748</th>
<td col_num="2" col_name="VALID" row_num="176" row_name="Tribolium castaneum" class="cell stats_table_td">1505999</th>
<td col_num="3" col_name="PROP" row_num="176" row_name="Tribolium castaneum" class="cell stats_table_td"> 22.88</th>
<tr row_num="177" row_name="177" class="table_row stats_table_row">
<div id="count">
<table id="count_table" class=table_header "count_table">
<tr row_num="-1" row_name="_HEADER_" class="header_row count_table_header">
<th col_num="0" col_name="" class="header_cell count_table_header count_table_th"></th>
<th col_num="1" col_name="Arabidopsis lyrata" class="header_cell count_table_header count_table_th">Arabidopsis lyrata</th>
<th col_num="2" col_name="Arabidopsis thaliana TAIR10" class="header_cell count_table_header count_table_th">Arabidopsis thaliana TAIR10</th>
<th col_num="3" col_name="Citrus sinensis" class="header_cell count_table_header count_table_th">Citrus sinensis</th>
<th col_num="176" col_name="Struthio camelus australis" class="header_cell count_table_header count_table_th">Struthio camelus australis</th>
<th col_num="177" col_name="Tribolium castaneum" class="header_cell count_table_header count_table_th">Tribolium castaneum</th>
<tr row_num="0" row_name="0" class="table_row count_table_row">
<th col_num="0" col_name="" row_num="0" row_name="Arabidopsis lyrata" class="row_name count_table_row_name count_table_th">Arabidopsis lyrata</th>
<td col_num="1" col_name="Arabidopsis lyrata" row_num="0" row_name="Arabidopsis lyrata" class="cell count_table_td">0</th>
<td col_num="176" col_name="Struthio camelus australis" row_num="176" row_name="Tribolium castaneum" class="cell count_table_td">47911</th>
<td col_num="177" col_name="Tribolium castaneum" row_num="176" row_name="Tribolium castaneum" class="cell count_table_td">0</th>
<tr row_num="177" row_name="177" class="table_row count_table_row">
<div id="matrix">
<table id="matrix_table" class=table_header "matrix_table">
<tr row_num="-1" row_name="_HEADER_" class="header_row matrix_table_header">
<th col_num="0" col_name="" class="header_cell matrix_table_header matrix_table_th"></th>
<th col_num="1" col_name="Arabidopsis lyrata" class="header_cell matrix_table_header matrix_table_th">Arabidopsis lyrata</th>
<th col_num="176" col_name="Struthio camelus australis" class="header_cell matrix_table_header matrix_table_th">Struthio camelus australis</th>
<th col_num="177" col_name="Tribolium castaneum" class="header_cell matrix_table_header matrix_table_th">Tribolium castaneum</th>
<th col_num="178" col_name="" class="header_cell matrix_table_header matrix_table_th"></th>
<tr row_num="0" row_name="0" class="table_row matrix_table_row">
<th col_num="0" col_name="" row_num="0" row_name="Arabidopsis lyrata" class="row_name matrix_table_row_name matrix_table_th">Arabidopsis lyrata</th>
<td col_num="1" col_name="Arabidopsis lyrata" row_num="0" row_name="Arabidopsis lyrata" class="cell matrix_table_td">1.0000000000</th>
<td col_num="2" col_name="Arabidopsis thaliana TAIR10" row_num="0" row_name="Arabidopsis lyrata" class="cell matrix_table_td">0.7233067471</th>
<td col_num="176" col_name="Struthio camelus australis" row_num="176" row_name="Tribolium castaneum" class="cell matrix_table_td">0.9962171649</th>
<td col_num="177" col_name="Tribolium castaneum" row_num="176" row_name="Tribolium castaneum" class="cell matrix_table_td">1.0000000000</th>
<tr row_num="177" row_name="177" class="table_row matrix_table_row">
<tr row_num="178" row_name="178" class="table_row matrix_table_row">
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
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