Added Junit5 unit tests for custom bean validation constraints
- Combined cli.validation.Constraints and cli.validation.ClassConstraints classes
- Added ConstraintsTest class containing junit5 tests for interfaces in the Constraints class
- Moved duplicate setViolationMessage() function found in multiple validator classes to BeanValidation.jave
- @ExcludePatterns constraint can now be used on classes without @ParentCommand annotated "pantools" field without user input (for testing purposes)
- @FieldValues is now valid when both fields mismatch (as was the initial intention)
- @GraphDatabase can be used on Path fields directly (mainly for testing purposes)
- @InputFile and @InputFiles constraints now are not valid when the paths point towards directories
- New class utils.FileUtils containing addShutdownHook() function (initially found in
- log4j2 properties file now contains a default (empty) for the logging directory.
- Set usage log appender to create on demand (so it does not create a usage.log file if no logger writes to it)