Merge back large change to add_gfa_build_pangenome
requested to merge rewrite_legacy_code_node_localization_for_gfa_build_pangenome into add_gfa_build_pangenome
Created a separate branch for this possibly breaking change of build_pangenome. I changed the localization process written by Mathijs to be able to deal with any overlap between nodes; not yet properly tested. This enables any GFA to be loaded as graph layout instead of only cDBG (since cDBG assumes K - 1 overlap between all nodes).
Apart from the end-to-end pipeline here at running successfully, testing the following before merging:
Covid MC GFA -
Covid PGGB GFA -
Covid PanTools GFA -
Arabidopsis MC GFA -
Arabidopsis PGGB GFA -
Arabidopsis PanTools GFA
Edited by Workum, Dirk-Jan van