pclake UI
version: 1.0.3
There are a few options for installing and running the game including the use of Docker images. A docker image contains all the essentials like e.g. operating system, libraries and instructions to run an app or data analyses in a insolated environment. It uses virtualization capabilities of the OS which might require some additional configuration of WSL2 (windows subsystem for linux) and/or Hyper-V. The Docker setup will allow you to run the game on Mac or Liux OS.
- Windows OS:
- MacOS:
- Linux
The R Windows installation has two scripts for installing and lauching the game. The install script will install:
- R portable
- R-tools if not yet installed
- required R packages
Follow the instructions below.
- Download source code and unpack zip archive.
- Double click install.bat. Follow the instructions and keep all default settings. Leave the window open untill in closes automatically.
- Double click launch.bat. Leave the window open while playing the game.
check files in log directory in case the app is not working
You will pull an Docker image of the game from the container registry.
- Install Docker Deskop. https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/
- Open a command window. run:
docker pull docker-registry.wur.nl/nauta008/pclake-ui:1.0.3
- run the next command:
docker run -d --name pclake-edu -p 3838:3838 docker-registry.wur.nl/nauta008/pclake-ui:1.0.3
- Open browser and go to http://localhost:3838/