diff --git a/Runtime/TerrainBuilder.cs b/Runtime/TerrainBuilder.cs
index 14f2cb40bf0df097e7b843fb13e5cab4baf971f4..b31566ff9ddaa2ed39f118fffa32d687c364cadc 100644
--- a/Runtime/TerrainBuilder.cs
+++ b/Runtime/TerrainBuilder.cs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ using System.IO;
 using System.Linq;
 using System.Threading.Tasks;
 using Unity.Collections;
+using Unity.VisualScripting.YamlDotNet.Core.Events;
 using UnityEditor;
 using UnityEngine;
 using UnityEngine.Networking;
@@ -51,16 +52,16 @@ namespace Wander
         [ReadOnly] public TerrainData terrainData;
         [ReadOnly] public Terrain terrain;
-        public Vector2 originWGS84      = new Vector2(51.985365f, 5.664941f); // Copy directly from Google maps. This is Forum on Campus WUR.
-        public Vector2Int terrainOffset = new Vector2Int(0, 0);
-        public int controlResolution    = 8192;
-        public int heightMapResolution  = 1024;
-        public bool loadHeight          = true;
-        public float terrainHeight      = 300;
-        public int zoom                 = 11;
-        public int numDLRetries         = 5;
-        public bool runOnStart          = false;
-        public Material terrainMat      = null;
+        public Vector2 originWGS84          = new Vector2(51.985365f, 5.664941f); // Copy directly from Google maps. This is Forum on Campus WUR.
+        public Vector2Int terrainOffset     = new Vector2Int(0, 0);
+        public int controlResolution        = 8192;
+        public int heightMapResolution      = 1024;
+        public bool loadHeight              = true;
+        public float terrainHeight          = 300;
+        public int zoom                     = 11;
+        public int numDLRetries             = 5;
+        public bool runOnStart              = false;
+        public Material terrainMat          = null;
         public List<TerrainLayer2> layers;
         private List<MapTile> requests;
@@ -171,15 +172,14 @@ namespace Wander
             // Size
             tileSize      = RDUtils.CalcTileSizeRD( zoom );
             tilePixelSize = RDUtils.RDDefaultTileRes;
-            nTilesWide    = controlResolution / tilePixelSize;
-            nTilesHigh    = controlResolution / tilePixelSize;
+            nTilesWide    = controlResolution / (tilePixelSize);
+            nTilesHigh    = controlResolution / (tilePixelSize);
             adjustedSize  = new Vector3( (float)(nTilesWide*tileSize), terrainHeight, (float)(nTilesHigh*tileSize) );
             // Location
             RDUtils.GPS2RD( originWGS84.x, originWGS84.y, out double rdX, out double rdY );
             tileOrigin    = RDUtils.RD2Tile( new Vector2( (float)rdX+adjustedSize.x*terrainOffset.x, (float)rdY+adjustedSize.z*terrainOffset.y ), zoom );
             rdOrigin      = RDUtils.Tile2RD( tileOrigin, zoom );
         void CreatePixelToLayerIndex()
@@ -288,16 +288,19 @@ namespace Wander
             byte layerIndex   = 0;
             uint cachedMask   = 0;
-            int x2 = tile.deltaTileX * tilePixelSize;
-            int y2 = tile.deltaTileY * tilePixelSize;
-            // !! No need to lock controlData because every tile writes to its own designated area !!
+            int tx = tile.deltaTileX * tilePixelSize;
+            int ty = tile.deltaTileY * tilePixelSize;
+            int of = ty*controlResolution+tx;
+            int pixelIdx = 0;
+            // ! No need to lock controlData because every tile writes to its own designated area exactly, no oversampling or undersampling. !
             for (int y = 0;y < height;y++)
                 if (state== State.None)
                     return; // Cancelling.
                 for (int x = 0;x < width;x++)
-                    Color32 col  = pixelData[y*width+x];
+                    Color32 col  = pixelData[pixelIdx++];
                     uint colMask = ((uint)col.g<<16) | ((uint)col.b<<8) | (col.a); // Color is stored as ARGB, so for this Color32 struct becomes g,b,a ... because we want RGB.
                     if (cachedMask!=colMask || layerIndex==255)
@@ -307,8 +310,11 @@ namespace Wander
                         cachedMask = colMask;
-                    controlData[(y2 + y) * controlResolution + (x2+x)] = layerIndex;
+                    controlData[of + x] = layerIndex;
+                of += controlResolution;
diff --git a/Runtime/com.wurwander.terrain.asmdef b/Runtime/com.wurwander.terrain.asmdef
index 1219bf480e2eda067e54c8d8064d2ed4c721649e..c152fa94a9c209141e93bd23f244e5f8c828dd2f 100644
--- a/Runtime/com.wurwander.terrain.asmdef
+++ b/Runtime/com.wurwander.terrain.asmdef
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
     "name": "Terrain",
     "rootNamespace": "Wander",
     "references": [
-        "Utils",
-        "GeoTiff"
+        "GUID:c2a8fdf421d3fc14dbff9693e60a8787",
+        "GUID:e44d054dba23a8349a137db68e558dce"
     "includePlatforms": [],
     "excludePlatforms": [],