diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a9f7eae772c6453b5cb427e88c6feaa246e0a387..d326317e8f7b8e361180fbb819502ace653bdc6c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,28 +1,24 @@
-## VectorTiles (HDRP)
-Can download a vector tile from a TMS service and
-can convert the tile to a raster for basing a terrain upon it.
-### Dependencies (GIT Pacakages)
-- utils
-- geotiff (for height on terrain)
-- vectortile (for building up from vector tile info)
-### Usage:
-var tile = VectorTile.FromUrl( url );
-tile.ForEach( width=1024, height=1024, (x, y, feature) => 
-	// x and y in pixel space starting at: [0, 0]
-	switch( feature )
-	{
-	}
-Texture2D texture = tile.RenderToTextureSingle( width=1024, height=1024, layers );
+## VectorTiles (HDRP)
+Can download a vector tile from a TMS service and
+can convert the tile to a raster for basing a terrain upon it.
+### Dependencies (GIT Pacakages)
+- utils
+### Usage:
+bool cancelToken = false; // So that it can cancel when called from different thread.
+var tile = VectorTile.FromUrl( url );
+byte[] controlMap = tile.RenderToTextureSingle(
+	int resolution = 256,
+	out Dictionary<byte, byte> remappedLayerIndices,     
+	out List<Vector3Int> failedPixels,
+	ref bool cancelToken );