From f2034b8f253355088fe220ae802970e6a0210998 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: harta003 <>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2020 17:45:32 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Initial commit

 .gitignore                     |  26 +-
 1-clustering.R                 | 229 ++++++++++++++++
 2-eqtl-analysis.R              | 419 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3-eqtl-visualization.R         | 469 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4-qtl-integration.R            | 148 +++++++++++
 5-create-community-network.R   | 302 +++++++++++++++++++++
 combined-stage-eqtl-analysis.R | 355 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 goe-app.R                      | 110 ++++++++
 seed-germination-qtl.Rproj     |  13 +
 ssh-key                        |   7 +                    |   1 +
 11 files changed, 2066 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 1-clustering.R
 create mode 100644 2-eqtl-analysis.R
 create mode 100644 3-eqtl-visualization.R
 create mode 100644 4-qtl-integration.R
 create mode 100644 5-create-community-network.R
 create mode 100644 combined-stage-eqtl-analysis.R
 create mode 100644 goe-app.R
 create mode 100644 seed-germination-qtl.Rproj
 create mode 100644 ssh-key
 create mode 100644

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index a4cd415..16132e0 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/1-clustering.R b/1-clustering.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ed33ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1-clustering.R
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+##### seed transcript clustering analysis #####
+#### prepare the script working environment ####
+  remove(list = ls())
+  gc()
+  set.seed(1000)  
+  # set working directory ####
+  work.dir <- "C:/Users/harta005/Projects/seed-germination-qtl"
+  setwd(work.dir)
+  # dependencies ####
+  library(dplyr)
+  library(ggplot2)
+  library(limma)
+  library(Biobase)
+  library(stats)
+  library(gplots)
+  library(RColorBrewer)
+  library(Rfast)
+  library(amap)
+  library(topGO)
+  library(org.At.tair.db)
+  # unused libraries ####
+  # library(Mfuzz)
+  # library(factoextra)
+  # library(doParallel)
+  # library(forcats)
+  # library(tidyr)
+  # library(gridExtra)
+  # library(Hmisc)
+# load the data ####
+  trait.matrix <- read.csv(file = 'files/trait-matrix.csv', row.names = 1)
+  sample.list <- read.csv(file = 'files/sample-list.csv')
+  sample.stage <- sample.list$stage
+# data presentation ####
+  presentation <- theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=6, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        axis.text.y = element_text(size=6, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        axis.title.x = element_text(size=7, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        axis.title.y = element_text(size=7, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        strip.text.x = element_text(size=7, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        strip.text.y = element_text(size=7, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        strip.text = element_text(size =7, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        #plot.title = element_text(size=15, face="bold"),
+                        panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white",color="black"),
+                        panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey80"),
+                        panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
+# create the expression object ####
+  x <- trait.matrix # the expression matrix
+  genes <- data.frame(trait = rownames(x)) # the gene list
+  f <- data.frame(trait = rownames(x)) # the gene feature
+  rownames(f) <- rownames(x)
+  p <- data.frame(id = colnames(trait.matrix), stage = sample.stage)
+  rownames(p) <- colnames(x)
+  eset <- ExpressionSet(assayData = as.matrix(x),
+                        phenoData = AnnotatedDataFrame(p),
+                        featureData = AnnotatedDataFrame(f))
+# PCA ####
+  pr.out <- prcomp(x = (t(trait.matrix)),  center = T, scale. = F)
+  pc.df <- data.frame(pc1 = pr.out$x[, 1], 
+                          pc2 = pr.out$x[, 2], 
+                          stage = sample.stage, 
+                          population = c(rep('parent', 16), rep('RIL', 164)))
+  pca.all <- ggplot(pc.df, aes(x = pc1, y = pc2, color = factor(stage, level = c('pd', 'ar', 'im', 'rp')))) + 
+                            geom_point(aes(shape = population)) +
+                            scale_colour_manual(values = c('#ccbb44', '#228833', '#4477aa', '#cc3311')) +
+                            scale_shape_manual(values = c(17, 19)) +
+                            labs(x = "PC1 (55.56%)", y = "PC2 (14.82%)") +
+                            labs(colour = 'stage') +
+                            theme(text = element_text(size = 10),
+                                  panel.background = element_blank(),
+                                  panel.border=element_rect(fill=NA),
+                                  panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
+                                  panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
+                                  strip.background=element_blank(),
+                                  axis.text.x=element_text(colour="black"),
+                                  axis.text.y=element_text(colour="black"),
+                                  axis.ticks=element_line(colour="black"),
+                                  plot.margin=unit(c(1,1,1,1),"line")) +
+                            #presentation +
+                            geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0), linetype = 'dashed', size = .1) +
+                            geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0), linetype = 'dashed', size = .1) 
+  tiff(file = paste0("figures/pca-all.tiff"), 
+       width = 2250, 
+       height = 1200, 
+       units = 'px',
+       res = 300,
+       compression = 'lzw')
+  pca.all
+# differential expresed gene analysis and hierarchiecal clustering ####
+  group <- with (pData(eset), stage)
+  group <- factor(group)
+  design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + group)
+  colnames(design) <- levels(group)
+  colSums(design) 
+  # create pairwise contrast matrix among four different stages
+  cm <- makeContrasts(pd_ar = pd - ar,
+                      ar_im = ar - im,
+                      im_rp = im - rp,
+                      levels = design)
+  coef <- colnames(cm)
+  # fit the linear model to determine significant differentially expressed genes
+  # for each pairwise contrast 
+  fit <- lmFit(eset, design)
+  fit2 <-, contrasts = cm) %>%
+    eBayes()
+  result <- decideTests(fit2)
+  summary(result) # 1 = upregulate
+  write.csv(result, 'files/differentally-expressed-genes.csv')
+  # determine the differentially expressed genes for each pairwise contrast  
+  # based on p value (>0.05) and  log fold change more than 1 sorted by fold change
+  de.genes <- NA
+  coef2 <- 
+  for (i in 1:length(coef)) {
+    print(i)
+    deg.tmp <- topTable(fit2, lfc = 1, coef = coef[i], 
+                        p.value = 0.05, 
+               = 'logFC', 
+                        number = 100000)
+    de.genes <- c(de.genes, as.character(deg.tmp$trait))
+  }
+  de.genes <- unique(de.genes) # as much as 990 genes are differentially expressed between one of the contrasts
+ <- trait.matrix[which(rownames(trait.matrix) %in% de.genes), ]
+  colnames( <- sample.stage
+# hierarchiecal tree clustering done for stage and genes ####
+  # hc for stage
+  dist.matrix.stage <- Dist(t(, 
+                            method = 'pearson', 
+                            upper = T, 
+                            diag = T) 
+  hc.stage <- hclust(dist.matrix.stage, method = 'ward.D2')
+  #hc.stage$order <- c(hc.stage$order[46:180], hc.stage$order[1:45])
+  reorder(x = as.dendrogram(hc.stage), c(46:180, 1:45))
+  plot(reorder(x = as.dendrogram(hc.stage), 180:1, agglo.FUN = mean))
+  # hc for gene
+  dist.matrix.gene <- Dist(, 
+                           method = 'pearson', # to group the genes based on patterns similarity across stages
+                           upper = T, 
+                           diag = T)  
+  hc.gene <- hclust(dist.matrix.gene, method = 'ward.D2') # similar to average linkage-
+  # it calculates the distance that is minimizing the variance within cluster
+  # and maximazing the variance between clusters
+  plot(hc.gene)
+  hc.gene <- cutree(hc.gene, k =6) # if k > 5, the cluster will be diproporsional i.e. a cluster only have few member
+  table(hc.gene)
+  hc.table <- = rownames(, cluster = hc.gene))
+  hc.table <- hc.table[which(hc.table$Freq != 0), ]
+  hc.table$cluster <- as.numeric(hc.table$cluster)
+  hc.table$true <- as.character(hc.table$true)
+  hc.table$Freq <- NULL
+  table(hc.table$cluster)
+  write.csv(hc.table, 'files/gene-cluster.csv')
+  # heatmap and hierarchiecal clustering ####
+  sample.color <- ifelse(grepl('pd', colnames(trait.matrix)), '#4daf4a', 
+                         ifelse(grepl('ar', colnames(trait.matrix)), '#377eb8', 
+                                ifelse(grepl('im', colnames(trait.matrix)), '#984ea3',
+                                       ifelse(grepl('rp', colnames(trait.matrix)), '#e41a1c', NA))))
+  tiff(file = paste0("figures/heatmap-genes.tiff"), 
+       width = 2250, 
+       height = 2000, 
+       units = 'px',
+       res = 300,
+       compression = 'lzw')
+  heatmap.2(x = as.matrix(, cexRow = 0.8, cexCol = 1.2,
+                  distfun = function(x) Dist(x, method = 'pearson'),
+                  hclust = function(x) hclust(x, method = 'ward.D2'),
+                  scale = 'row', 
+         = "density", 
+                  trace = 'none', 
+                  col = brewer.pal(9, 'YlGnBu'),
+                  keysize = 1,
+                  key.title = 'Z-score of\nlog-intensities',
+                  key.xlab = NA, 
+                  Colv = reorder(x = as.dendrogram(hc.stage), 180:1, agglo.FUN = mean), 
+                  ColSideColors = sample.color)
+# GOE analysis for genes in each cluster ####
+  x <- org.At.tairCHR
+  all.genes <- as.list(rownames(trait.matrix))
+  hc.go.list <- = NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 8))
+  colnames(hc.go.list) <- c('GO.ID', 'Term', 'Annotated', 'Significant', 'Expected', 'Fisher', 
+                            'FDR', 'cluster')
+  ontology <- 'BP'
+  for (i in unique(hc.table$cluster)) {
+    gene.set <- hc.table$true[which(hc.table$cluster == i)]
+    gene.set <- factor(as.integer(all.genes %in% gene.set))
+    names(gene.set) <- all.genes
+    GOdata <- new("topGOdata",
+                  description = "Analyzing clustering results", ontology = ontology,
+                  allGenes = gene.set, 
+                  annot =,mapping= "org.At.tair.db")
+    resultFisher <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm = 'weight', statistic = "fisher")
+    # GOE from topgo consider the general terms on the hierarchy
+    # the weight algortihm maintain the balance between type I and II errors
+    result.df <- GenTable(GOdata, Fisher = resultFisher,
+                          orderBy = "Fisher", ranksOf = "Fisher", topNodes = length(resultFisher@score))
+    result.df$FDR <- p.adjust(p = result.df$Fisher, method = 'fdr')
+    result.df$cluster <- i
+    result.df <- result.df[order(result.df$FDR), ]
+    result.df <- filter(result.df, FDR <= 0.001)
+    hc.go.list <- rbind(hc.go.list, result.df)
+  }
+  write.csv(hc.go.list, paste0('files/goe-tables', ontology, '.csv'))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2-eqtl-analysis.R b/2-eqtl-analysis.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..086cd5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2-eqtl-analysis.R
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+##### seed eQTL analysis #####
+#### prepare the script working environment ####
+  remove(list = ls())
+  gc()
+  set.seed(1000)  
+  # Set working directory ####
+  work.dir <- "C:/Users/harta005/Projects/seed-germination-qtl"
+  setwd(work.dir)
+  # dependencies ####
+  if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
+    install.packages("BiocManager")
+  # BiocManager::install("Mfuzz")
+  # BiocManager::install("topGO")
+  # BiocManager::install("org.At.tair.db")
+  # BiocManager::install("Rgraphviz")
+  # BiocManager::install("")
+  library(doParallel)
+  library(dplyr)
+  library(ggplot2)
+  library(heritability)
+  library(topGO)
+  library(org.At.tair.db)
+  # unused libraries ####
+  # library(Mfuzz)
+  # library(Biobase)
+  # library(gplots)
+  # library(RColorBrewer)
+  # library(limma)
+  # library(factoextra)
+  # library(stats)
+  # library(amap)
+  # library(forcats)
+  # library(tidyr)
+  # library(VennDiagram)
+  # library(gridExtra)
+  # library(RCy3)
+  # library(corrplot)
+  # library(reshape2)
+  # library(Hmisc)
+  # library(igraph)
+  # library(threejs)
+  # library(MASS)
+  # library(UpSetR)
+# load required function ####
+  setwd('functions/')
+  for(i in 1:length(dir())){
+    source(dir()[i])
+  } # read function from Mark
+  setwd(work.dir)
+  write.EleQTL <- function(map1.output,filename){
+    selector <- cbind(trait = rownames(map1.output$LOD), pval = apply(map1.output$LOD,1,max,na.rm=T)) %>%
+      data.frame()
+    rownames(selector) <- NULL
+    lod <- map1.output$LOD
+    lod <- lod[rownames(lod) %in% selector[,1],]
+    rownames(lod) <- selector$trait
+    colnames(lod) <- map1.output$Marker[,1]
+    eff <- map1.output$Effect
+    eff <- eff[rownames(eff) %in% selector[,1],]
+    rownames(eff) <- selector$trait
+    colnames(eff) <- map1.output$Marker[,1]
+    lod.eff <- lod*sign(eff)
+    dat <- map1.output$Trait
+    dat <- dat[rownames(dat) %in% selector[,1],]
+    rownames(dat) <- selector$trait
+    colnames(dat) <- colnames(map1.output$Map)
+    map <- map1.output$Map
+    rownames(map) <- map1.output$Marker[,1]
+    marker <- map1.output$Marker
+    write.table(lod,file=paste(filename,"_lod.txt",sep=""),sep="\t",quote=F)
+    write.table(eff,file=paste(filename,"_eff.txt",sep=""),sep="\t",quote=F)
+    write.table(lod.eff,file=paste(filename,"_lodxeff.txt",sep=""),sep="\t",quote=F)
+    write.table(marker,file=paste(filename,"_marker.txt",sep=""),sep="\t",quote=F)
+    write.table(dat,file=paste(filename,"_data.txt",sep=""),sep="\t",quote=F)
+    write.table(map,file=paste(filename,"_map.txt",sep=""),sep="\t",quote=F)                         
+  } # function to convert mapping result to tables
+  map.per.marker <- function(trait, marker) {
+    model <- lm(terms(trait ~ marker, keep.order = FALSE))
+    summ <- summary(model)
+    pval <- summ$coefficients[2, 4]
+    lod <- -log10(pval)
+    eff <- summ$coefficients[2, 1]
+    output <- c(lod, eff)
+    return(output)
+  } # map the QTL at a marker location
+  map.all.marker <- function(trait, markers) {
+    eff.out <- rep(NA, nrow(markers))
+    pval.out <- rep(NA, nrow(markers))
+    for (i in 1:nrow(markers)) {
+      if(i == 1) {
+        out.tmp <- map.per.marker(trait, markers[i, ])
+      }
+      if( i != 1 & sum(abs(as.numeric(markers[i-1,])  - as.numeric(markers[i,])), na.rm = T) != 0 ) {
+        out.tmp <- map.per.marker(trait, markers[i, ])
+      }
+      if( i != 1 & sum(abs(as.numeric(markers[i-1,]) - as.numeric(markers[i,])), na.rm = T) == 0 ) {
+        out.tmp <- out.tmp
+      }
+      pval.out[i] <- out.tmp[1]
+      eff.out[i] <- out.tmp[2]
+      output.lod <- cbind(pval.out, eff.out)
+      colnames(output.lod) <- c('LOD', 'Eff')
+    }
+    return(output.lod)
+  } # map the QTL using genome wide markers
+  threshold.determination <- function(trait,, n.perm){
+    traits <- t(replicate(n.perm, trait))
+    perm.trait <- permutate.traits(traits)
+    ###Check for NAs
+    pval.out <- matrix(NA,nrow(perm.trait),nrow(
+    for (i in 1:nrow(perm.trait)) {
+      pval.out[i, ] <- fast.lod.all.marker(perm.trait[i, ],
+    }
+    pval.distribution <- apply(pval.out, 1, max)
+    threshold <- quantile(x = pval.distribution, probs = 0.95)
+    return(threshold)
+  } # determine threshold for a QTL
+# load required dataset ####
+  trait.matrix <- as.matrix(read.csv(file = 'files/trait-matrix.csv', row.names = 1))
+ <- as.matrix(read.csv(file = 'files/genetic-map.csv'))
+  trait.matrix <- trait.matrix[, colnames(trait.matrix) %in% colnames(] # remove sample without genetic map
+  trait.matrix <- trait.matrix[, 17:176] #remove parent sample
+ <-[, 17:176] #remove parent sample
+  marker <- read.csv('files/marker.csv', row.names = 1)
+  sample.list <- read.csv(file = 'files/sample-list.csv')
+  sample.stage <- sample.list$stage
+ <- read.csv('files/', row.names = 1)
+  ril.stage <- substr(x = colnames(trait.matrix), start = 8, stop = 10) 
+  stage <- 'pd'
+  n.cores <- detectCores() - 1
+# QTL mapping ####
+  for (stage in seed.stage) {
+  map <-[, which(ril.stage == stage)]
+  map <- apply(map, 2, as.numeric) # make sure the alleles are treated as numeric
+  trait <- trait.matrix[, which(ril.stage == stage)]
+ <- = trait, 
+                strain.trait = colnames(trait), 
+       = map, 
+                strain.marker = marker)
+  cluster <- makeCluster(n.cores, type = "PSOCK")
+  registerDoParallel(cluster)
+  output <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(trait), .combine = 'cbind') %dopar% {
+    map.all.marker(trait = trait[i, ], markers = map)
+  }
+  stopCluster(cluster)
+  pval.out <- t(output[, which(colnames(output) == 'LOD')])
+  eff.out <- t(output[, which(colnames(output) == 'Eff')])
+  colnames(pval.out) <- rownames(marker); rownames(pval.out) <- rownames(trait)
+  colnames(eff.out) <- rownames(marker); rownames(eff.out) <- rownames(trait)
+  qtl.profile <- NULL; qtl.profile <- as.list(qtl.profile)
+  qtl.profile[[1]] <- round(pval.out,digits=2)
+  qtl.profile[[2]] <- round(eff.out,digits=3)
+  qtl.profile[[3]] <- trait
+  qtl.profile[[4]] <- map
+  qtl.profile[[5]] <- marker
+  names(qtl.profile) <- c("LOD","Effect","Trait","Map","Marker")
+  write.EleQTL(map1.output = qtl.profile, filename = paste0("qtl-tables/table_single-stage-eqtl_", stage))
+  #saveRDS(object = qtl.profile, 
+          #file = paste0("qtl-profiles/profile_single-stage-eqtl_", stage,".rds")) 
+  }
+# permutation and FDR determination 
+  ## based on Benjamini-Yekutieli
+  # setwd(dir = "qtl-permutations/")
+  # cluster <- makeCluster(n.cores, type = "PSOCK")
+  # registerDoParallel(cluster)
+  # foreach(i = 1:100) %dopar% {
+  #   qtl.perm <- map.1.perm(trait.matrix = trait, 
+  #                 = map, 
+  #                          strain.marker = marker,
+  #                          n.perm = 1)
+  #   save(qtl.perm, file = paste0("perm_single-stage-eqtl_", stage, i, ".RData"))
+  # }
+  # stopCluster(cluster)
+  # 
+  # filenames.perm <- dir()
+  # filenames.perm <- filenames.perm[grep(paste("perm_single-stage-eqtl", stage, sep = "."), filenames.perm)]
+  # 
+  # FDR <- map.perm.fdr(map1.output = qtl.profile,
+  #                     filenames.perm = filenames.perm,
+  #                     FDR_dir = paste0(getwd(), "/"),
+  #                     q.value = 0.05)
+  # saveRDS(FDR, file = paste0('fdr_single-stage-eqtl_', stage, '.RDS'))
+  # 
+  # setwd(work.dir)
+  # 
+# eQTL peak finder and table ####
+  for (stage in seed.stage) {
+    # threshold
+    threshold <- ifelse(stage == 'pd' | stage == 'ar', 4.2, ifelse(stage == 'im', 4.1, ifelse(stage =='rp', 4.3, NA)))
+    # the thresholds are based on multiple-testing correction using 100 permuted datasets
+    qtl.profile <- readRDS(paste0('qtl-profiles/profile_single-stage-eqtl_', stage, '.rds'))
+    qtl.peak <- = qtl.profile) %>%
+      peak.finder(threshold = threshold)
+    qtl.peak <- na.omit(qtl.peak)
+    saveRDS(object = qtl.peak,
+            file = paste0("qtl-peaks/peak_single-stage-eqtl_", stage, ".rds"))
+# eQTL table ####
+    qtl.profile <- readRDS(paste0('qtl-profiles/profile_single-stage-eqtl_', stage, '.rds'))
+    qtl.peak <- readRDS(paste0('qtl-peaks/peak_single-stage-eqtl_', stage, '.rds'))
+    eqtl.table <- eQTL.table(peak.list.file = qtl.peak, trait.annotation = %>%
+      eQTL.table.addR2(QTL.prep.file = qtl.profile)
+    eqtl.table$qtl_chromosome <- as.factor(eqtl.table$qtl_chromosome)
+    eqtl.table$gene_chromosome <- as.factor(eqtl.table$gene_chromosome)
+    # add heritability - single stage ####
+    h2.result <- as.list(NULL)
+    n.perm <- 100
+    qtl.genes <- eqtl.table$trait
+    map <-[, which(ril.stage == stage)]
+    map <- apply(map, 2, as.numeric) # make sure the alleles are treated as numeric
+    trait <- trait.matrix[, which(ril.stage == stage)]
+    map2 <- map
+    #map2[map2 == 0] <- 0.5
+    map2[map2 == -1] <- round(0, 0)
+    #map2[] <- 0.5
+    kinship.matrix <- emma.kinship(map2)
+    colnames(kinship.matrix) <- colnames(map2); rownames(kinship.matrix) <- colnames(map2)
+    cluster <- makeCluster(n.cores, type = 'PSOCK')
+    clusterExport(cl = cluster, c('trait', 'map2', 'marker_h2', 'kinship.matrix', 'h2.REML'))
+    h2 <- t(parApply(cl = cluster, X = trait, MARGIN = 1, FUN = h2.REML, strain.names = colnames(map2), kinship.matrix = kinship.matrix, Vg.factor = 1))
+    stopCluster(cluster)
+    h2 <- = rownames(h2), h2)
+    eqtl.table <- merge(x = eqtl.table, y = h2[, 1:2], by = 'trait', all.x = T)
+    #eqtl.table <- rename(.data = eqtl.table, h2_REML = h2)
+    ###permutation
+    # print(paste0('permuting', " ", stage))
+    #   
+    # cluster <- makeCluster(n.cores, type = "PSOCK")
+    # registerDoParallel(cluster)
+    # perm.output <- foreach(i = 1:n.perm, .combine = 'cbind', 
+    #                        .export = c('trait.tmp', 'map.tmp', 'marker_h2', 'kinship.matrix', 'h2.REML')) %dopar% {
+    #                          perm.trait <- t(apply(trait.tmp, 1, function(x){x <- x[order(runif(length(x)))];return(x)}))
+    #                          t(apply(perm.trait, 1, h2.REML, strain.names = colnames(map.tmp2), kinship.matrix = kinship.matrix, Vg.factor = 1))[, 1]
+    #                        }
+    # stopCluster(cluster)
+    # perm.result <- cbind(h2, FDR0.05_REML = apply(perm.output, 1, quantile, 0.95))
+    # 
+    # h2.result[[stage]] <- perm.result
+    # 
+    # 
+    # for (stage in development.stage) {
+    #   h2.result[[stage]] <-[[stage]], trait = rownames(h2.result[[stage]]))
+    # }
+# trans-bands identification ####
+ <- 2e6
+    maxsize <- 100e6
+    chr.num <- 5
+ <- mutate(eqtl.table, interval = findInterval(qtl_bp, seq(1, maxsize, by = %>%
+      group_by(qtl_chromosome, interval, qtl_type) %>%
+      summarise(n.ct = length(unique(trait))) %>%
+      data.frame() %>%
+      group_by(qtl_type) %>%
+      mutate(exp.ct = mean(as.numeric(unlist(n.ct)))) %>%
+      data.frame() %>%
+      mutate(transband_significance = ppois(n.ct, lambda = exp.ct, lower.tail = F)) %>%
+      filter(transband_significance < 0.0001, qtl_type == "trans")
+$transband_id <- with(, paste0("ch", qtl_chromosome, ":", 
+                                                           (interval - 1) * 2, "-", 
+                                                           interval * 2, "Mb"))
+$stage <- stage
+    saveRDS(object =,
+            file = paste0("trans-bands/trans.band_", stage, ".rds"))
+    # for pd
+    if(stage == 'pd') {
+      eqtl.table <- mutate(eqtl.table,
+                           trans_band = ifelse(qtl_type == "trans" &
+                                                 qtl_chromosome == 1 &
+                                                 qtl_bp > 6e6 &
+                                                 qtl_bp <= 10e6, "ch1:6-10Mb",
+                                               ifelse(qtl_type == "trans" &
+                                                        qtl_chromosome == 3 &
+                                                        qtl_bp > 8e6 &
+                                                        qtl_bp <= 12e6, "ch3:8-12Mb", "none")))
+    }
+    # for ar 
+    if( stage == 'ar') {
+    eqtl.table <- mutate(eqtl.table,
+                         trans_band = ifelse(qtl_type == "trans" &
+                                               qtl_chromosome == 2 &
+                                               qtl_bp > 12e6 &
+                                               qtl_bp <= 14e6, "ch2:12-14Mb",
+                                             ifelse(qtl_type == "trans" &
+                                                      qtl_chromosome == 3 &
+                                                      qtl_bp > 2e6 &
+                                                      qtl_bp <= 4e6, "ch3:2-4Mb", "none")))
+    }
+    # for im
+    if( stage == 'im' ) {
+      eqtl.table <- mutate(eqtl.table,
+                           trans_band = ifelse(qtl_type == "trans" &
+                                                 qtl_chromosome == 5 &
+                                                 qtl_bp > 6e6 &
+                                                 qtl_bp <= 8e6, "ch5:6-8Mb",
+                                               ifelse(qtl_type == "trans" &
+                                                        qtl_chromosome == 5 &
+                                                        qtl_bp > 22e6 &
+                                                        qtl_bp <= 26e6, "ch5:22-26Mb","none")))
+    }
+    # for rp
+    if(stage == 'rp') {
+      eqtl.table <- mutate(eqtl.table,
+                           trans_band = ifelse(qtl_type == "trans" &
+                                                 qtl_chromosome == 1 &
+                                                 qtl_bp > 0e6 &
+                                                 qtl_bp <= 2e6, "ch1:0-2Mb ",
+                                         ifelse(qtl_type == "trans" &
+                                                             qtl_chromosome == 1 &
+                                                             qtl_bp > 6e6 &
+                                                             qtl_bp <= 8e6, "ch1:6-8Mb",
+                                         ifelse(qtl_type == "trans" &
+                                                             qtl_chromosome == 5 &
+                                                             qtl_bp > 14e6 &
+                                                             qtl_bp <= 16e6, "ch5:14-16Mb",
+                                          ifelse(qtl_type == "trans" &
+                                                              qtl_chromosome == 5 &
+                                                              qtl_bp > 24e6 &
+                                                              qtl_bp <=26e6, "ch5:24-26Mb", "none")))))
+    }
+    write.csv(x = eqtl.table,
+              file = paste0("qtl-tables/table_single-stage-eqtl_", stage, ".csv"), 
+              row.names = T)
+    saveRDS(object = eqtl.table,
+            file = paste0("qtl-tables/table_single-stage-eqtl_", stage, ".rds"))
+    table(eqtl.table$qtl_type, eqtl.table$trans_band!="none")
+  }
+    # GO for trans bands - single stage ####
+    ontology <- 'BP' #c('BP', 'CC', 'MF')
+    x <- org.At.tairCHR
+    all.genes <- as.list(rownames(trait.matrix))
+    transband.go <- = NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 9))
+    colnames(transband.go) <- c('GO.ID', 'Term', 'Annotated', 'Significant', 'Expected', 'Fisher', 
+                          'FDR', 'stage', 'transband')
+    transband.go.perstage <- transband.go
+    for (stage in seed.stage) {
+      eqtl.table <- readRDS(paste0('qtl-tables/table_single-stage-eqtl_', stage, '.rds'))
+ <- unique(eqtl.table$trans_band)
+ <-[! %in% 'none']
+      transband.go.perstage <- = NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 9))
+      colnames(transband.go.perstage) <- c('GO.ID', 'Term', 'Annotated', 'Significant', 'Expected', 'Fisher', 
+                            'FDR', 'stage', 'transband')
+      for (i in 1:length( {
+        gene.set <- eqtl.table[which(eqtl.table$trans_band ==[i]), 'trait']
+        gene.set <- factor(as.integer(all.genes %in% gene.set))
+        names(gene.set) <- all.genes
+        GOdata <- new("topGOdata",
+                      description = "GOE for genes in regulated by trans bands", ontology = ontology,
+                      allGenes = gene.set, 
+                      annot =,mapping= "org.At.tair.db")
+        resultFisher <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm = 'weight', statistic = "fisher")
+        result.df <- GenTable(GOdata, Fisher = resultFisher,
+                              orderBy = "Fisher", ranksOf = "Fisher", topNodes = length(resultFisher@score))
+        result.df$stage <- stage
+        result.df$transband <-[i]
+        result.df$Fisher <- as.numeric(result.df$Fisher)
+        result.df$FDR <- p.adjust(p = result.df$Fisher, method = 'fdr')
+        result.df <- result.df[order(result.df$FDR), ]
+        result.df <- dplyr::filter(result.df, Fisher <= 0.01)
+        transband.go.perstage <- rbind(transband.go.perstage, result.df)
+      }
+      transband.go <- rbind(transband.go, transband.go.perstage)
+    }
+    write.csv(transband.go, paste0('files/trans-bands-go-', ontology, '.csv'))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/3-eqtl-visualization.R b/3-eqtl-visualization.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3760182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3-eqtl-visualization.R
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+##### visualisation of eQTL analysis results #####
+#### prepare the script working environment ####
+  remove(list = ls())
+  gc()
+  set.seed(1000)  
+  # Set working directory ####
+  work.dir <- "C:/Users/harta005/Projects/seed-germination-qtl"
+  setwd(work.dir)
+  # dependencies ####
+  library(dplyr)
+  library(ggplot2)
+  library(tidyr)
+  library(doParallel)
+  library(VennDiagram)
+  library(UpSetR)
+  library(forcats)
+  library(grid)
+  library(heritability)
+  library(topGO)
+  library(org.At.tair.db)
+  # unused libraries ####
+  # library(Mfuzz)
+  # library(Biobase)
+  # library(gplots)
+  # library(RColorBrewer)
+  # library(limma)
+  # library(factoextra)
+  # library(stats)
+  # library(amap)
+  # 
+  # 
+  # 
+  # library(gridExtra)
+  # library(RCy3)
+  # library(corrplot)
+  # library(reshape2)
+  # library(Hmisc)
+  # library(igraph)
+  # library(threejs)
+  # library(MASS)
+  # 
+  # load required function ####
+  setwd('functions/')
+  for(i in 1:length(dir())){
+    source(dir()[i])
+  } # read function from Mark
+  setwd(work.dir)
+  overlap <- function(table, stage) {
+    for (i in 1:length(stage)) {
+      if (nrow(table) != 0) {
+        table <- subset(table, table[stage[i]] == T)
+      } else {
+        break
+      }
+    }
+    nrow(table)
+  } # function to determine the overlapping qtl between 2 stages
+  # load the data ####
+  seed.stage <- c('pd', 'ar', 'im', 'rp')
+  # presentation
+  presentation <- theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=10, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        axis.text.y = element_text(size=10, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        axis.title.x = element_text(size=12, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        axis.title.y = element_text(size=12, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        strip.text.x = element_text(size=12, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        strip.text.y = element_text(size=12, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        strip.text = element_text(size =12, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        #plot.title = element_text(size=15, face="bold"),
+                        panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white",color="black"),
+                        panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey80"),
+                        panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
+# combine the eqtl table and plotting - single stage ####
+    all.eqtl.table <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 20, nrow = 0))
+    #colnames(all.eqtl.table) <- colnames(eqtl.table)
+    for (stage in seed.stage) {
+      print(stage)
+      eqtl.table <- readRDS(paste0('qtl-tables/table_single-stage-eqtl_', stage, '.rds')) %>%
+        mutate(stage = stage)
+      all.eqtl.table <- rbind(all.eqtl.table, eqtl.table)
+    }
+    all.eqtl.table <- all.eqtl.table %>%
+      mutate(qtl_type = ifelse(qtl_type == 'cis', 'local', 'distant'))
+    saveRDS(all.eqtl.table, 'qtl-tables/table_single-stage-eqtl_all.rds')
+# comparing LOD, effect, and R2 of shared local and distant eQTL - single stage ####
+    eqtl.stat <- group_by(all.eqtl.table, stage, qtl_type) %>%
+                  summarise(median_sig = round(median(qtl_significance), 2),
+                            #sd_sig = sd(qtl_significance),
+                            median_eff = round(median(abs(qtl_effect)), 2),
+                            #sd_eff = sd(qtl_effect),
+                            median_r2 = round(median(qtl_R2_sm), 2)) %>%
+                            #sd_r2 = sd(qtl_R2_sm),) %>%
+                  mutate(pval_sig = NA, pval_eff = NA, pval_r2 = NA) %>%
+    for (i in 1:nrow(eqtl.stat)) {
+      stage.row <- which(all.eqtl.table$stage == eqtl.stat[i, 1])
+      eqtl.stat[i, 6] <- wilcox.test(qtl_significance ~ qtl_type, data = all.eqtl.table[stage.row, ])$p.value
+      eqtl.stat[i, 7] <- wilcox.test(abs(qtl_effect) ~ qtl_type, data = all.eqtl.table[stage.row, ])$p.value
+      eqtl.stat[i, 8] <- wilcox.test(qtl_R2_sm ~ qtl_type, data = all.eqtl.table[stage.row, ])$p.value
+    }
+# calculating shared local and distant eQTL ####
+    qtl.table.summary <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 18, nrow = 0))
+ <- 4e6
+    maxsize <- 100e6
+    chr.num <- 5
+    all.eqtl.table2 <- mutate(all.eqtl.table, interval = findInterval(qtl_bp, seq(1, maxsize, by = 
+    all.eqtl.table2 <- subset(x = all.eqtl.table2, select = c(trait, qtl_chromosome, interval, qtl_type, 
+                                                              stage))
+    local.table <- all.eqtl.table2[all.eqtl.table2$qtl_type == 'local', ] %>%
+      count(trait, qtl_chromosome, interval, qtl_type, stage) %>%
+      spread(stage, n) %>%
+      dplyr::select(-qtl_type) %>%
+      arrange(trait)
+    duplicated.local <- duplicated(local.table$trait)
+    for (i in 1:nrow(local.table)) {
+      if (i == 1) {
+        next
+      }
+      if (duplicated.local[i] && 
+          local.table$qtl_chromosome[i] == local.table$qtl_chromosome[i-1] &&
+          abs(local.table$interval[i] - local.table$interval[i-1]) == 1 &&
+          local.table$trait[i] == local.table$trait[i-1]) {
+        print(i)
+        table.tmp <- rbind(local.table[i, ], local.table[i-1, ])
+        table.tmp <- aggregate(table.tmp[4:7], by = list(trait = table.tmp$trait), sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+        table.tmp$qtl_chromosome <- local.table$qtl_chromosome[i]
+        table.tmp$interval <- local.table$interval[i]
+        table.tmp <- table.tmp[, c(colnames(local.table))]
+        local.table[(i-1), 1] <- 'removed'
+        local.table[i, ] <- table.tmp
+      }
+    }
+    local.table <- local.table[which(local.table$trait != 'removed'), ]
+    local.table[] <- 0
+    write.csv(local.table, 'files/shared-local.csv')
+    local.table <- local.table[, 4:7]
+    local.table <- apply(local.table, 2, as.integer)
+    distant.table <- all.eqtl.table2[all.eqtl.table2$qtl_type == 'distant', ] %>%
+      count(trait, qtl_chromosome, interval, qtl_type, stage) %>%
+      spread(stage, n) %>%
+      dplyr::select(-qtl_type) %>%
+      arrange(trait)
+    duplicated.distant <- duplicated(distant.table$trait)
+    for (i in 1:nrow(distant.table)) {
+      if (i == 1) {
+        next
+      }
+      if (duplicated.local[i] && 
+          distant.table$qtl_chromosome[i] == distant.table$qtl_chromosome[i-1] &&
+          abs(distant.table$interval[i] - distant.table$interval[i-1]) == 1 &&
+          distant.table$trait[i] == distant.table$trait[i-1]) {
+        print(i)
+        table.tmp <- rbind(distant.table[i, ], distant.table[i-1, ])
+        table.tmp <- aggregate(table.tmp[4:7], by = list(trait = table.tmp$trait), sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+        table.tmp$qtl_chromosome <- distant.table$qtl_chromosome[i]
+        table.tmp$interval <- distant.table$interval[i]
+        table.tmp <- table.tmp[, c(colnames(distant.table))]
+        distant.table[(i-1), 1] <- 'removed'
+        distant.table[i, ] <- table.tmp
+      }
+    }
+    distant.table <- distant.table[which(distant.table$trait != 'removed'), ]
+    distant.table[] <- 0
+    write.csv(distant.table, 'files/shared-distant.csv')
+    distant.table <- distant.table[, 4:7]
+    distant.table <- apply(distant.table, 2, as.integer)
+    #subset(qtl.table.cis, qtl.table.cis[development.stage[1]] == T)
+    # venn diagram ####
+    draw.quad.venn(area1 = overlap(local.table, 'pd'), 
+                   area3 = overlap(local.table, 'ar'), 
+                   area4 = overlap(local.table, 'im'), 
+                   area2 = overlap(local.table, 'rp'), 
+                   n13 = overlap(local.table, c('pd', 'ar')), 
+                   n14 = overlap(local.table, c('pd', 'im')), 
+                   n12 = overlap(local.table, c('pd', 'rp')), 
+                   n34 = overlap(local.table, c('ar', 'im')), 
+                   n23 = overlap(local.table, c('ar', 'rp')), 
+                   n24 = overlap(local.table, c('im', 'rp')), 
+                   n134 = overlap(local.table, c('pd', 'ar', 'im')), 
+                   n123 = overlap(local.table, c('pd', 'ar', 'rp')), 
+                   n124 = overlap(local.table, c('pd', 'im', 'rp')), 
+                   n234 = overlap(local.table, c('ar', 'im', 'rp')), 
+                   n1234 = overlap(local.table, c('pd', 'ar', 'im', 'rp')), 
+                   category = c('primary\ndormant', 'radicle\nprotrusion', 'after-\nripenned', '6 hours after\nimbibition'),
+                   lty = 'blank', 
+                   fill = c('#4daf4a', '#e41a1c', '#377eb8', '#984ea3'),
+                   alpha = 0.5)
+    draw.quad.venn(area1 = overlap(distant.table, 'pd'), 
+                   area3 = overlap(distant.table, 'ar'), 
+                   area4 = overlap(distant.table, 'im'), 
+                   area2 = overlap(distant.table, 'rp'), 
+                   n13 = overlap(distant.table, c('pd', 'ar')), 
+                   n14 = overlap(distant.table, c('pd', 'im')), 
+                   n12 = overlap(distant.table, c('pd', 'rp')), 
+                   n34 = overlap(distant.table, c('ar', 'im')), 
+                   n23 = overlap(distant.table, c('ar', 'rp')), 
+                   n24 = overlap(distant.table, c('im', 'rp')), 
+                   n134 = overlap(distant.table, c('pd', 'ar', 'im')), 
+                   n123 = overlap(distant.table, c('pd', 'ar', 'rp')), 
+                   n124 = overlap(distant.table, c('pd', 'im', 'rp')), 
+                   n234 = overlap(distant.table, c('ar', 'im', 'rp')), 
+                   n1234 = overlap(distant.table, c('pd', 'ar', 'im', 'rp')), 
+                   category = c('primary\ndormant', 'radicle\nprotrusion', 'after-\nripenned', '6 hours after\nimbibition'),
+                   lty = 'blank', 
+                   fill = c('#4daf4a', '#e41a1c', '#377eb8', '#984ea3'),
+                   alpha = 0.5, )
+    pdf(file = 'figures/distant-local-venn-diagram.pdf', width = 10, height = 5)
+    grid.arrange(local.plot, distant.plot, ncol = 2, heights = c(5, 5))
+    # upset graph ####
+    upset.local <- upset(data =, 
+                         mainbar.y.max = 750, 
+                        sets = c('rp', 'im', 'ar', 'pd'),
+                        empty.intersections = 'on',
+                        mainbar.y.label = 'shared eQTL',
+                        sets.x.label = 'eQTL per stage', 
+                        text.scale = 0.8, 
+                        point.size = 1, 
+                        line.size = 1,
+                        keep.order = T,
+                        set_size.scale_max = 1400)
+    tiff(file = paste0("figures/upset-local.tiff"), 
+         width = 1000, 
+         height = 850, 
+         units = 'px',
+         res = 300,
+         compression = 'lzw')
+    upset.local
+    upset.distant <- upset(data =, 
+          mainbar.y.max = 750,
+          sets = c('rp', 'im', 'ar', 'pd'),
+          empty.intersections = 'on',
+          mainbar.y.label = 'shared eQTL',
+          sets.x.label = 'eQTL per stage', 
+          text.scale = 0.8, 
+          point.size = 1, 
+          line.size = 1,
+          keep.order = T, 
+          set_size.scale_max = 1400)
+    tiff(file = paste0("figures/upset-distant.tiff"), 
+         width = 2250, 
+         height = 850, 
+         units = 'px',
+         res = 300,
+         compression = 'lzw')
+    grid.arrange(upset.local, upset.distant, ncol = 2)
+# cis-trans plot - single stage #####
+    all.eqtl.table3 <- all.eqtl.table %>%
+      mutate(stage = replace(stage, qtl_type == 'local', 'local\neQTL'))
+    #all.eqtl.table3$stage <- ordered(all.eqtl.table$stage, seed.stage)
+    all.eqtl.table3$qtl_type <- factor(all.eqtl.table3$qtl_type)
+    all.eqtl.table3 <- all.eqtl.table3 %>%
+      mutate(allele = ifelse(sign(qtl_effect) <= 0, 'sha',
+                             ifelse(sign(qtl_effect) >=0, 'bay', 'null')))
+    eqtl.plot <- ggplot(all.eqtl.table3, aes(x = qtl_bp, y = gene_bp)) + 
+      geom_segment(aes(x = qtl_bp_left, y = gene_bp, xend = qtl_bp_right, yend = gene_bp),
+                   alpha = 0.75, colour = "grey") +
+      geom_point(aes(colour = ordered(stage, levels = c("local\neQTL", "pd", "ar", "im", "rp")), 
+                     shape = allele,
+                     size = abs(qtl_effect),
+                     alpha = log10(qtl_significance))
+                 ) +
+      scale_alpha(range = c(0.3, 1)) +
+      facet_grid(fct_rev(gene_chromosome) ~ qtl_chromosome, space = "free", scales = "free") +
+      presentation +
+      scale_colour_manual('stage', values = c('black','#ccbb44', '#228833', '#4477aa', '#cc3311')) +
+      labs(x = "eQTL peak position (Mb)", y = "Gene position (Mb)") +
+      scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40)*10^6,labels=c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40)) +
+      scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40)*10^6,labels=c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40))
+    tiff(file = paste0("figures/eqtl-plot.tiff"), 
+         width = 2250, 
+         height = 1600, 
+         units = 'px',
+         res = 300,
+         compression = 'lzw')
+    eqtl.plot
+# histogram - single stage ####
+    hist.threshold <- data.frame(stage =  seed.stage, exp = c(7.45098, 5.464286, 7, 6.470588), threshold = rep(NA, 4))
+    for (i in 1:nrow(hist.threshold)) {
+      hist.threshold$threshold[i] <- qpois(p = 0.0001, lambda = hist.threshold$exp[i], lower.tail = F)
+    } # create horizontal line as a threshold
+    eqtl.hist <- ggplot(all.eqtl.table3 %>% filter(qtl_type != 'local'), 
+                        aes(x=qtl_bp, fill=ordered(stage, levels = c("pd", "ar", "im", "rp")))) + # 750 x 400
+      geom_histogram(binwidth = 2000000, right = T, origin = 0, alpha = 1) +
+      facet_grid(factor(stage, levels =  c("pd", "ar", "im", "rp")) ~ qtl_chromosome, space = "free",scales="free") +
+      presentation +
+      scale_fill_manual('stage', values = c('#ccbb44', '#228833', '#4477aa', '#cc3311')) +
+      theme(legend.position = "right", legend.text=element_text(size=10)) +
+      labs(x="eQTL peak position (Mb)",y="eQTL counts") +
+      ylim(c(0, 100)) +
+      geom_hline(data = hist.threshold, aes(yintercept = threshold), 
+                 linetype = 'dashed', 
+                 color = 'red', 
+                 size = .1) +
+      scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40)*10^6,labels=c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40))
+    tiff(file = paste0("figures/eqtl-hist.tiff"), 
+         width = 2250, 
+         height = 1200, 
+         units = 'px',
+         res = 300,
+         compression = 'lzw')
+    eqtl.hist
+# compare the R2, effect, andsignificance of local and distant eQTL ####
+    r2.plot <- ggplot(all.eqtl.table, aes(x = qtl_R2_sm,
+                                             fill = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant')),
+                                             color = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant')))) +
+      #geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), binwidth = 0.001, position = 'identity', alpha = 0.3) +
+      geom_density(alpha = 0.5, size = 0) +
+      facet_wrap( ~ factor(stage, levels = c('pd', 'ar', 'im', 'rp')), ncol = 2) +
+      geom_vline(data = group_by(all.eqtl.table, stage, qtl_type) %>%
+                   summarise(median = median(qtl_R2_sm)), aes(xintercept = median, 
+                                                              color = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant'))),
+                 linetype = 'dashed', size = .5) +
+      presentation +
+      scale_color_brewer(palette = 'Set1') +
+      scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Set1') +
+      xlab('explained phenotypic variance (R2)') +
+      ylab('density') +
+      labs(fill = 'eQTL type', color = 'eQTL type') +
+      #ylim(0, 1) + 
+      xlim(0, 1) +
+      theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 12))
+    tiff(file = paste0("figures/r2-plot.tiff"), 
+         width = 2250, 
+         height = 1200, 
+         units = 'px',
+         res = 300,
+         compression = 'lzw')
+    r2.plot
+    effect.plot <- ggplot(all.eqtl.table, aes(x = log(abs(qtl_effect)),
+                               fill = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant')),
+                               color = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant')))) +
+      #geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), binwidth = 0.001, position = 'identity', alpha = 0.3) +
+      geom_density(alpha = 0.5, size = 0) +
+      facet_wrap( ~ factor(stage, levels = c('pd', 'ar', 'im', 'rp')), ncol = 2) +
+      geom_vline(data = group_by(all.eqtl.table, stage, qtl_type) %>%
+                   summarise(median = median(log(abs(qtl_effect)))), aes(xintercept = median, 
+                                                              color = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant'))),
+                 linetype = 'dashed', size = .5) +
+      presentation +
+      scale_color_brewer(palette = 'Set1') +
+      scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Set1') +
+      xlab('absolute eQTL effect') +
+      ylab('density') +
+      labs(fill = 'eQTL type', color = 'eQTL type') +
+      #ylim(0, 1) + 
+      #xlim(0, 1.2) +
+      theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 12))
+    tiff(file = paste0("figures/eff-plot.tiff"), 
+         width = 2250, 
+         height = 1200, 
+         units = 'px',
+         res = 300,
+         compression = 'lzw')
+    effect.plot
+    sig.plot <- ggplot(all.eqtl.table, aes(x = qtl_significance,
+                               fill = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant')),
+                               color = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant')))) +
+      #geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), binwidth = 0.001, position = 'identity', alpha = 0.3) +
+      geom_density(alpha = 0.5, size = 0) +
+      facet_wrap( ~ factor(stage, levels = c('pd', 'ar', 'im', 'rp')), ncol = 2) +
+      geom_vline(data = group_by(all.eqtl.table, stage, qtl_type) %>%
+                   summarise(median = median(qtl_significance)), aes(xintercept = median, 
+                                                               color = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant'))),
+                 linetype = 'dashed', size = .5) +
+      presentation +
+      scale_color_brewer(palette = 'Set1') +
+      scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Set1') +
+      xlab('-log10(p)') +
+      ylab('density') +
+      labs(fill = 'eQTL type', color = 'eQTL type') +
+      #ylim(0, 1) + 
+      xlim(0, 36) +
+      theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 12))
+    tiff(file = paste0("figures/sig-plot.tiff"), 
+         width = 2250, 
+         height = 1200, 
+         units = 'px',
+         res = 300,
+         compression = 'lzw')
+    sig.plot
+    # ggplot(all.eqtl.table, aes(x = h2_REML, y = qtl_R2_sm,
+    #                                             fill = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant')),
+    #                                             color = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant')))) +
+    #   geom_point(size = 1, alpha = 0.5) +
+    #   facet_wrap( ~ factor(stage, levels = c('pd', 'ar', 'im', 'rp')), ncol = 2) +
+    #   geom_vline(data = group_by(all.eqtl.table, stage, qtl_type) %>%
+    #                summarise(med = median(h2_REML, na.rm = T)), aes(xintercept = med, 
+    #                                                                 color = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant'))),
+    #              linetype = 'dashed', size = .5) +
+    #   geom_hline(data = group_by(all.eqtl.table, stage, qtl_type) %>%
+    #                summarise(med = median(qtl_R2_sm, na.rm = T)), aes(yintercept = med, 
+    #                                                                   color = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant'))),
+    #              linetype = 'dashed', size = .5) +
+    #   geom_smooth(model = lm) +
+    #   geom_abline(aes(slope = 1, intercept = 0), size = .75, linetype = 'dashed') +
+    #   presentation +
+    #   scale_color_brewer(palette = 'Set1') +
+    #   scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Set1') +
+    #   xlab('narrow-sense heritabllity (h2)') +
+    #   ylab('explained phenotypic variance (R2)') +
+    #   labs(fill = 'eQTL type', color = 'eQTL type') +
+    #   ylim(0, 1) + 
+    #   xlim(0, 1) + 
+    #   theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 8))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/4-qtl-integration.R b/4-qtl-integration.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e391455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/4-qtl-integration.R
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+##### integration of phQTL, mQTL, and eQTL #######
+# Set working directory and load libraries ####
+  remove(list = ls())
+  gc()
+# load library
+  library(dplyr)
+  library(grid)
+  library(scales)
+  library(RColorBrewer)
+  library(devtools)
+  library(ggplot2)
+# set directory
+  work.dir <- "C:/Users/harta005/Projects/seed-germination-qtl"
+  setwd(work.dir)
+# gathering phQTL profile
+  phqtl.peak <- readRDS('qtl-peaks/peak_phqtl_without-outliers-not-transformed.RDS') %>%
+    mutate(qtl_level = 'phQTL') %>%
+    mutate(stage = 'phQTL')
+# gathering mQTL profile
+  seed.stage <- c('pd', 'ar', 'im', 'rp')
+  mqtl.peak <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 12))
+  colnames(mqtl.peak) <- colnames(phqtl.peak)
+  for (i in seed.stage) {
+    table.tmp <- readRDS(paste0('qtl-peaks/peak_mqtl_', i, '-without-outliers-log-transformed.RDS')) %>%
+      mutate(qtl_level = 'mQTL', stage = i)
+    mqtl.peak <- rbind(mqtl.peak, table.tmp)
+  }
+# gathering eQTL profiles
+  eqtl.peak <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 13))
+  colnames(eqtl.peak) <- colnames(phqtl.peak)
+  for (i in seed.stage) {
+    table.tmp <- readRDS(paste0('qtl-tables/table_single-stage-eqtl_', i, '.rds')) %>%
+      filter(qtl_type == 'trans') %>%
+      mutate(qtl_level = 'eQTL', stage = i) %>%
+      dplyr::select(colnames(phqtl.peak))
+    eqtl.peak <- rbind(eqtl.peak, table.tmp)
+  }
+# creating the histogram plot ####
+  # plot style ####
+  presentation <- theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=12, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        axis.text.y = element_text(size=12, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        axis.title.x = element_text(size=15, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        axis.title.y = element_text(size=15, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        strip.text.x = element_text(size=15, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        strip.text.y = element_text(size=15, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        plot.title = element_text(size=15, face="bold"),
+                        panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white",color="black"),
+                        panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey80"),
+                        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
+                        legend.position = "right")
+  myColors <- brewer.pal(9,"Set1")[c(3,5,9,6,7)] 
+  myColors <- c("black",brewer.pal(9,"Set1")[c(2,9)])
+  plot.colour <- c("#000000", "#E69F00", "#009E73", "#0072B2", "#D55E00")
+  names(plot.colour) <- c("cis", "DryFresh", "DryAR",  "6H", "RP")
+  hist.colour <-  c("#E69F00", "#009E73", "#0072B2", "#D55E00")
+  names(hist.colour) <- c("DryFresh", "DryAR",  "6H", "RP")
+  names(myColors) <- c("cis","trans","none")
+  Snoekcols <- scale_colour_manual(name = "eQTL type",values = myColors)
+  Snoekfill <- scale_fill_manual(name = "eQTL type",values = myColors)
+# plotting ####
+  overlap <- function(table, stage) {
+    for (i in 1:length(stage)) {
+      if (nrow(table) != 0) {
+        table <- subset(table, table[stage[i]] == T)
+      } else {
+        break
+      }
+    }
+    nrow(table)
+  }
+  all.peak <- rbind(phqtl.peak, mqtl.peak, eqtl.peak)
+  all.peak$stage <- factor(all.peak$stage, levels = c('phQTL', 'pd', 'ar', 'im', 'rp'))
+  qtl.hist <- ggplot(all.peak, aes(x=qtl_bp, fill = stage)) +
+    geom_histogram(binwidth = 2000000, right = T, origin = 0, alpha = 1) +
+    #geom_density(alpha = 0.5) +
+    facet_grid(factor(qtl_level, level = c('phQTL', 'mQTL', 'eQTL')) ~ qtl_chromosome, scales="free_y") +
+    presentation +
+    scale_fill_manual(values = c('#964B00', '#ccbb44', '#228833', '#4477aa', '#cc3311')) +
+    theme(legend.position = "top", legend.text=element_text(size=5)) +
+    labs(x="QTL peak position (Mb)",y="QTL counts") +
+    scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40)*10^6,labels=c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40))
+  tiff(file = paste0("figures/all-qtl-hist.tiff"), 
+       width = 2250, 
+       height = 1600, 
+       units = 'px',
+       res = 300,
+       compression = 'lzw')
+  qtl.hist
+  # venn diagram ####
+  qtl.table.summary <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 18, nrow = 0))
+ <- 2e6
+  maxsize <- 100e6
+  chr.num <- 5
+  all.peak2 <- all.peak %>%
+    mutate(interval = findInterval(qtl_bp, seq(1, maxsize, by = %>%
+    select(trait, qtl_chromosome, interval, qtl_significance, stage, qtl_level) %>%
+    #group_by(trait, qtl_chromosome, interval, qtl_significance, stage, qtl_level) %>%
+    count(qtl_chromosome, interval, qtl_level) %>%
+    #ungroup() %>%
+    spread(qtl_level, n) %>%
+    #select(phQTL, mQTL, eQTL) %>%
+    replace(, 0)
+  overlap <- function(table, stage) {
+    for (i in 1:length(stage)) {
+      if (nrow(table) != 0) {
+        table <- subset(table, table[stage[i]] > 0)
+      } else {
+        break
+      }
+    }
+    nrow(table)
+  }
+  overlap(all.peak2, c('eQTL', 'phQTL', 'mQTL'))
+  draw.triple.venn(area1 = overlap(all.peak2, 'phQTL'), 
+                area3 = overlap(all.peak2, 'mQTL'), 
+                area2 = overlap(all.peak2, 'eQTL'), 
+                n13 = overlap(all.peak2, c('phQTL', 'mQTL')), 
+                n12 = overlap(all.peak2, c('phQTL', 'eQTL')), 
+                n23 = overlap(all.peak2, c('mQTL', 'eQTL')), 
+                n123 = overlap(all.peak2, c('phQTL', 'mQTL', 'eQTL')), 
+                category = c('phQTL', 'eQTL', 'mQTL'),
+                lty = 'blank', 
+                fill = c('#0d98ba', '#c71585', '#f8d568'))
+                #alpha = 0.9)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/5-create-community-network.R b/5-create-community-network.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc387f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/5-create-community-network.R
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+##### seed eQTL network analysis using ARACNe #########
+# prepare the script working environment ####
+  remove(list = ls())
+  gc()
+  set.seed(1000) 
+  work.dir <- "C:/Users/harta005/Projects/seed-germination-qtl"
+  setwd(work.dir)
+# library
+  library(RCy3)
+  library(dplyr)
+  library(minet)
+  library(GENIE3)
+  library(doParallel)
+  library(reshape2)
+  library(devtools)
+  library(ggplot2)
+  library(Hmisc)
+# determine the stage and transband ####
+  dev.stage <- 'im'
+  chr <- 5
+  start <- 6000000
+  end <- 8000000
+  n.perm <- 1000
+# load required data ####
+  # gene and genetic infp
+ <- as.matrix(read.csv(file = 'files/genetic-map.csv'))
+ <- read.csv('files/', row.names = 1)
+  gene.feature <- read.csv('files/gene-feature.csv')
+  gene.pol <- read.csv('files/baysha-polymorphism.csv', row.names = 1)
+ <- merge(, gene.pol, all = TRUE)
+  gene.feature <- merge(, gene.feature, all = TRUE)
+  # expression matrix
+  expression <- as.matrix(read.csv('files/trait-matrix.csv', row.names = 1))
+  expression <- expression[, colnames(expression) %in% colnames(] # remove sample without genetic map
+  expression <- expression[, 17:176] # remove parents
+  expression <- expression[, grep(pattern = 'pd', x = colnames(expression))] # only take ril for specific stage 
+  # ril stage
+  ril.stage <- substr(x = colnames(expression), start = 8, stop = 10) # write a vector of ril stage
+  # load the qtl table
+  eqtl.table <- readRDS('qtl-tables/table_single-stage-eqtl_all.rds')
+  # select the target trait
+  target.table <- filter(eqtl.table, qtl_bp >= start,
+                              qtl_type == 'distant',
+                              qtl_bp <= end, 
+                              qtl_chromosome == chr,
+                              stage == dev.stage)
+  targets <- as.character(target.table$trait)
+  target.expression <- expression[which(rownames(expression) %in% targets), ]
+  # select the candidate genes 
+  candidate.table <- filter(eqtl.table, qtl_bp >= start, 
+                          qtl_bp <= end,
+                          qtl_type == 'local', 
+                          qtl_chromosome == chr,
+                          gene_bp >= start,
+                          gene_bp <= end,
+                          stage == dev.stage)
+  candidates <- as.character(candidate.table$trait)
+  candidate.expression <- expression[which(rownames(expression) %in% rownames(expression)), ]
+  # combine expression matrix for targets, candidates, and genes underlying qtl
+  expression.m <- expression[which(rownames(expression) %in% c(targets, candidates)), ]
+  # create gene table and determine the gene function
+  nodes <- gene.feature[which(gene.feature$trait %in% c(targets, candidates)), ]
+  nodes <- data.frame(id = c(targets, candidates), 
+                      role = c(rep('target', length(targets)), rep('candidates', length(candidates))),
+                      is_tf = NA)
+  nodes[, 'is_tf'] <- gene.feature[match(nodes$id, gene.feature$trait), 'is_TF']
+  regulators <- as.character(nodes$trait[which(nodes$role == 'candidates' | nodes$is_tf == 1)])
+  # network inference using GENIE3 ####
+  weight <- GENIE3(exprMatrix = expression.m, verbose = TRUE)
+  weight <- melt(weight)
+  weight$Var1 <- as.character(weight$Var1)
+  weight$Var2 <- as.character(weight$Var2)
+  names(weight) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'weight')
+  # remove duplicates 
+  edges.genie3 <- = NA, nrow = 6670, ncol = 3))
+  cur.row <- 1
+  for(i in row.names(expression.m)) {
+    for(j in row.names(expression.m)) {
+      if(i == j) {
+        next
+      }
+      set1 <- weight[which(weight$nodes1 == i & weight$nodes2 == j), ]
+      set2 <- weight[which(weight$nodes2 == i & weight$nodes1 == j), ]
+      if(set1[, 3] >= set2[, 3]) {
+        edges.genie3[cur.row, ] <- set1
+        cur.row <- cur.row + 1
+        print(cur.row)
+      } 
+      if(set1[, 3] <= set2[, 3]) {
+        edges.genie3[cur.row, ] <- set2
+        cur.row <- cur.row + 1
+        print(cur.row)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  edges.genie3 <- distinct(edges.genie3)
+  names(edges.genie3) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'weight')
+  # ranking
+  rank.genie3 <- edges.genie3
+  rank.genie3$rank <- rank(-rank.genie3$weight)
+  rank.genie3 <- rank.genie3[, c(1, 2, 4)]
+  write.csv(x = rank.genie3, file = paste0('networks/', dev.stage, chr, '-genie.csv'))
+  # network inference using pearson correlation ####
+  edges.pearson <- rcorr(t(expression.m), type = 'pearson')
+  edges.pearson <- melt(edges.pearson$r)
+  names(edges.pearson) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'weight')
+  # remove duplicates and determine direction
+  rank.pearson <- rank.genie3[, 1:2]
+  rank.pearson <- merge(rank.pearson, edges.pearson, by = c("nodes1", "nodes2"))
+  rank.pearson <- rank.pearson[, 1:3]
+  rank.pearson$weight <- abs(rank.pearson$weight)
+  # ranking
+  rank.pearson$rank <- rank(-rank.pearson$weight)
+  rank.pearson <- rank.pearson[, c(1, 2, 4)]
+  names(rank.pearson) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'rank')
+  write.csv(x = rank.pearson, file = paste0('networks/', dev.stage, chr, '-pearson.csv'))
+  # network inference using spearman correlation ####
+  edges.spearman <- rcorr(t(expression.m), type = 'spearman')
+  edges.spearman <- melt(edges.spearman$r)
+  names(edges.spearman) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'weight')
+  # remove duplicates and determine direction
+  rank.spearman <- rank.genie3[, 1:2]
+  rank.spearman <- merge(rank.spearman, edges.spearman, by = c("nodes1", "nodes2"))
+  rank.spearman <- rank.spearman[, 1:3]
+  rank.spearman$weight <- abs(rank.spearman$weight)
+  # ranking
+  rank.spearman$rank <- rank(-rank.spearman$weight)
+  rank.spearman <- rank.spearman[, c(1, 2, 4)]
+  names(rank.spearman) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'rank')
+  write.csv(x = rank.spearman, file = paste0('networks/', dev.stage, chr, '-spearman.csv'))
+  # network inference using CLR ####
+  edges.clr <- minet(dataset = t(expression.m), method = 'clr', estimator = 'mi.empirical', disc = 'equalfreq')
+  edges.clr <- melt(edges.clr)
+  names(edges.clr) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'weight')
+  # ranking
+  rank.clr <- rank.genie3[, 1:2]
+  rank.clr <- merge(rank.clr, edges.clr, by = c("nodes1", "nodes2"))
+  rank.clr <- rank.clr[, 1:3]
+  rank.clr$rank <- rank(-rank.clr$weight)
+  rank.clr <- rank.clr[, c(1, 2, 4)]
+  names(rank.clr) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'rank')
+  write.csv(x = rank.clr, file = paste0('networks/', dev.stage, chr, '-clr.csv'))
+  # network inference using aracne ####
+  edges.aracne <- minet(dataset = t(expression.m), method = 'aracne', estimator = 'mi.empirical', disc = 'equalfreq')
+  edges.aracne <- melt(edges.aracne)
+  names(edges.aracne) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'weight')
+  # ranking
+  rank.aracne <- rank.genie3[, 1:2]
+  rank.aracne <- merge(rank.aracne, edges.aracne, by = c("nodes1", "nodes2"))
+  rank.aracne <- rank.aracne[, 1:3]
+  rank.aracne$rank <- rank(-rank.aracne$weight)
+  rank.aracne <- rank.aracne[, c(1, 2, 4)]
+  names(rank.aracne) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'rank')
+  write.csv(x = rank.aracne, file = paste0('networks/', dev.stage, chr, '-aracne.csv'))
+  # network inference using mrnet ####
+  edges.mrnet <- minet(dataset = t(expression.m), method = 'mrnet', estimator = 'mi.empirical', disc = 'equalfreq')
+  edges.mrnet <- melt(edges.mrnet)
+  names(edges.mrnet) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'weight')
+  # ranking
+  rank.mrnet <- rank.genie3[, 1:2]
+  rank.mrnet <- merge(rank.mrnet, edges.mrnet, by = c("nodes1", "nodes2"))
+  rank.mrnet <- rank.mrnet[, 1:3]
+  rank.mrnet$rank <- rank(-rank.mrnet$weight)
+  rank.mrnet <- rank.mrnet[, c(1, 2, 4)]
+  names(rank.mrnet) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'rank')
+  write.csv(x = rank.mrnet, file = paste0('networks/', dev.stage, chr, '-mrnet.csv'))
+  # network inference using tigress
+  weight.tigress <- tigress::tigress(t(expression.m), 
+                                    nsplit = 1000, 
+                                    nstepsLARS = 5, 
+                                    allsteps = F)
+  weight.tigress <- melt(weight.tigress)
+  names(weight.tigress) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'weight')
+  weight.tigress$nodes1 <- as.character(weight.tigress$nodes1)
+  weight.tigress$nodes2 <- as.character(weight.tigress$nodes2)
+  # remove duplicates 
+  # combination <- nrow(expression.m) * (nrow(expression.m) - 1) /2
+  # edges.tigress <- = NA, nrow = combination, ncol = 3))
+  # cur.row <- 1
+  # for(i in row.names(expression.m)) {
+  #   for(j in row.names(expression.m)) {
+  #     if(i == j) {
+  #       next
+  #     }
+  #     set1 <- weight.tigress[which(weight.tigress$nodes1 == i & weight.tigress$nodes2 == j), ]
+  #     set2 <- weight.tigress[which(weight.tigress$nodes2 == i & weight.tigress$nodes1 == j), ]
+  #     if(set1[, 3] >= set2[, 3]) {
+  #       edges.tigress[cur.row, ] <- set1
+  #       cur.row <- cur.row + 1
+  #       print(cur.row)
+  #     }       
+  #     if(set1[, 3] <= set2[, 3]) {
+  #       edges.genie3[cur.row, ] <- set2
+  #       cur.row <- cur.row + 1
+  #       print(cur.row)
+  #     }
+  #   }
+  # }
+  # edges.tigress <- distinct(edges.tigress)
+  # names(edges.tigress) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'weight')
+  # ranking
+  rank.tigress <- rank.genie3[, 1:2]
+  rank.tigress <- merge(rank.tigress, weight.tigress, by = c("nodes1", "nodes2"))
+  rank.tigress <- rank.tigress[, 1:3]
+  rank.tigress$rank <- rank(-rank.tigress$weight)
+  rank.tigress <- rank.tigress[, c(1, 2, 4)]
+  names(rank.tigress) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'rank')
+  write.csv(x = rank.tigress, file = paste0('networks/', dev.stage, chr, '-tigress.csv'))
+  # merge the tables
+  rank.list <- list(rank.genie3, rank.spearman, rank.clr, rank.aracne, rank.tigress)
+  #rank.list <- list(rank.genie3, rank.spearman, rank.pearson, rank.mrnet, rank.clr, rank.aracne, rank.tigress)
+  networks <- Reduce(function(x, y) full_join(x, y, by = c('nodes1', 'nodes2')), rank.list)
+  names(networks) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'genie3', 'spearman', 'clr', 'aracne', 'tigress')
+  #names(networks) <- c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'genie3', 'spearman', 'pearson', 'mrnet', 'clr', 'aracne', 'tigress')
+  networks$avg_rank <- NA
+  for(i in 1:nrow(networks)) {
+    networks$avg_rank[i] <- 
+      mean(as.numeric(networks[i, 3:(ncol(networks) - 1)]))
+  }
+  # PCA
+  pr.out <- prcomp(x = (t(networks[3:10])),  center = T, scale. = F)
+  pc.df <- data.frame(pc1 = pr.out$x[, 1], # 0.37
+                      pc2 = pr.out$x[, 2]) # 0.32
+  pc.df$method <- rownames(pc.df)
+  ggplot(pc.df, aes(x = pc1, y = pc2, color = method)) + geom_point(size = 3.5)
+  pc.sum <- summary(pr.out)
+  pc1 <- pc.sum$importance[2, 1]
+  pc2 <- pc.sum$importance[2, 2]
+  # determine threshold
+  edges <- networks[, c('nodes1', 'nodes2', 'avg_rank')]
+  colnames(edges) <- c('source', 'target', 'interaction')
+  edges <- na.omit(edges)
+  threshold.m <- = NA, ncol = 3, nrow = 0))
+  names(threshold.m) <- c('threshold', "edge", "node")
+  cur.row <- 1
+  for(i in max(round(edges$interaction, 0)):0){
+    edges.tmp <- filter(edges, interaction <= i)
+    total.edge <- nrow(edges.tmp)
+    total.node <- length(unique(c(edges.tmp$source, edges.tmp$target))) 
+    threshold.m[cur.row, ] <- c(i, total.edge, total.node)
+    cur.row <- cur.row + 1
+  }
+  # visualize the threshold matrix
+  plot(threshold.m$threshold, 
+       threshold.m$node, 
+       xlab = "rank threshold", 
+       ylab = 'number of node') # 1552 for RP5 and 1248 for PD3
+  # visualize the network
+ <- filter(edges, interaction <= 288)
+  #edges$interaction <- log2(edges$interaction)
+  write.csv(edges, paste0('networks/', dev.stage, chr, '-edge.csv'))
+  write.csv(nodes, paste0('networks/', dev.stage, chr, '-node.csv'))
+  createNetworkFromDataFrames(nodes = nodes, edges =
diff --git a/combined-stage-eqtl-analysis.R b/combined-stage-eqtl-analysis.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46c35ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/combined-stage-eqtl-analysis.R
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+##### combined-stage eQTL analysis #####
+#### prepare the script working environment ####
+  remove(list = ls())
+  gc()
+  set.seed(1000)  
+  # Set working directory ####
+  work.dir <- "C:/Users/harta005/Projects/seed-germination-qtl"
+  setwd(work.dir)
+  # dependencies ####
+  library(dplyr)
+  library(ggplot2)
+  library(tidyr)
+  library(doParallel)
+  library(VennDiagram)
+  library(UpSetR)
+  library(forcats)
+  library(grid)
+  library(heritability)
+  library(topGO)
+  library(org.At.tair.db)
+  # unused libraries ####
+  # library(Mfuzz)
+  # library(Biobase)
+  # library(gplots)
+  # library(RColorBrewer)
+  # library(limma)
+  # library(factoextra)
+  # library(stats)
+  # library(amap)
+  # 
+  # 
+  # 
+  # library(gridExtra)
+  # library(RCy3)
+  # library(corrplot)
+  # library(reshape2)
+  # library(Hmisc)
+  # library(igraph)
+  # library(threejs)
+  # library(MASS)
+  # 
+  # load required function ####
+  setwd('functions/')
+  for(i in 1:length(dir())){
+    source(dir()[i])
+  } # read function from Mark
+  setwd(work.dir)
+  overlap <- function(table, stage) {
+    for (i in 1:length(stage)) {
+      if (nrow(table) != 0) {
+        table <- subset(table, table[stage[i]] == T)
+      } else {
+        break
+      }
+    }
+    nrow(table)
+  } # function to determine the overlapping qtl between 2 stages
+  # load the data ####
+  seed.stage <- c('pd', 'ar', 'im', 'rp')
+  # presentation
+  presentation <- theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=10, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        axis.text.y = element_text(size=10, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        axis.title.x = element_text(size=12, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        axis.title.y = element_text(size=12, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        strip.text.x = element_text(size=12, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        strip.text.y = element_text(size=12, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        strip.text = element_text(size =12, face="bold", color="black"),
+                        #plot.title = element_text(size=15, face="bold"),
+                        panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white",color="black"),
+                        panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey80"),
+                        panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
+#### combined-stage eQTL mapping - reduced model ####
+    stage <- 'rm'
+ <- = trait.matrix, 
+                              strain.trait = colnames(trait.matrix), 
+                     =, 
+                              strain.marker = marker)
+    cluster <- makeCluster(n.cores, type = "PSOCK")
+    registerDoParallel(cluster)
+    output <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(trait.matrix), .combine = 'cbind') %dopar% {
+      map.all.marker(trait = trait.matrix[i, ], markers =
+    }
+    stopCluster(cluster)
+    pval.out <- t(output[, which(colnames(output) == 'LOD')])
+    eff.out <- t(output[, which(colnames(output) == 'Eff')])
+    colnames(pval.out) <- rownames(marker); rownames(pval.out) <- rownames(trait.matrix)
+    colnames(eff.out) <- rownames(marker); rownames(eff.out) <- rownames(trait.matrix)
+    qtl.profile <- NULL; qtl.profile <- as.list(qtl.profile)
+    qtl.profile[[1]] <- round(pval.out,digits=2)
+    qtl.profile[[2]] <- round(eff.out,digits=3)
+    qtl.profile[[3]] <- trait.matrix
+    qtl.profile[[4]] <-
+    qtl.profile[[5]] <- marker
+    names(qtl.profile) <- c("LOD","Effect","Trait","Map","Marker")
+    write.EleQTL(map1.output = qtl.profile, filename = paste0("qtl-tables/table_single-stage-eqtl_", 'rm'))
+    saveRDS(object = qtl.profile, 
+            file = paste0("qtl-profiles/profile_combined-stage-eqtl_", stage, ".rds")) 
+    # eQTL peak finder - combined-stage rm  ####
+    stage <- 'rm'
+    # peak finder
+    qtl.profile <- readRDS(paste0('qtl-profiles/profile_single-stage-eqtl_', stage, '.rds'))
+    qtl.peak <- = qtl.profile) %>%
+      peak.finder(threshold = 4.3)
+    qtl.peak <- na.omit(qtl.peak)
+    saveRDS(object = qtl.peak,
+            file = paste0("qtl-peaks/peak_combined-stage-eqtl_", stage, ".rds"))
+    # eQTL table- combined-stage rm ####
+    stage <- 'rm'
+    qtl.profile <- readRDS(paste0('qtl-profiles/profile_combined-stage-eqtl_', stage, '.rds'))
+    qtl.peak <- readRDS(paste0('qtl-peaks/peak_combined-stage-eqtl_', stage, '.rds'))
+    eqtl.table <- eQTL.table(peak.list.file = qtl.peak, trait.annotation = %>%
+      eQTL.table.addR2(QTL.prep.file =
+    eqtl.table$qtl_chromosome <- as.factor(eqtl.table$qtl_chromosome)
+    eqtl.table$gene_chromosome <- as.factor(eqtl.table$gene_chromosome)
+    # add heritability - combined-stage rm #####
+    h2.result <- as.list(NULL)
+    n.perm <- 100
+    qtl.genes <- eqtl.table$trait.matrix
+    map <-
+    map <- apply(map, 2, as.numeric) # make sure the alleles are treated as numeric
+    trait <- trait.matrix
+    map2 <- map
+    #map2[map2 == 0] <- 0.5
+    map2[map2 == -1] <- round(0, 0)
+    #map2[] <- 0.5
+    kinship.matrix <- emma.kinship(map2)
+    colnames(kinship.matrix) <- colnames(map2); rownames(kinship.matrix) <- colnames(map2)
+    cluster <- makeCluster(n.cores, type = 'PSOCK')
+    clusterExport(cl = cluster, c('trait', 'map2', 'marker_h2', 'kinship.matrix', 'h2.REML'))
+    h2 <- t(parApply(cl = cluster, X = trait, MARGIN = 1, FUN = h2.REML, strain.names = colnames(map2), kinship.matrix = kinship.matrix, Vg.factor = 1))
+    stopCluster(cluster)
+    h2 <- = rownames(h2), h2)
+    eqtl.table <- merge(x = eqtl.table, y = h2[, 1:2], by = 'trait', all.x = T)
+    eqtl.table <- rename(eqtl.table, h2 = h2_REML)
+    # trans bands identification - combined-stage rm  #####
+ <- 2e6
+    maxsize <- 100e6
+    chr.num <- 5
+ <- mutate(eqtl.table, interval = findInterval(qtl_bp, seq(1, maxsize, by = %>%
+      group_by(qtl_chromosome, interval, qtl_type) %>%
+      summarise(n.ct = length(unique(trait))) %>%
+      data.frame() %>%
+      group_by(qtl_type) %>%
+      mutate(exp.ct = mean(as.numeric(unlist(n.ct)))) %>%
+      data.frame() %>%
+      mutate(transband_significance = ppois(n.ct, lambda = exp.ct, lower.tail = F)) %>%
+      filter(transband_significance < 0.0001, qtl_type == "trans")
+$transband_id <- with(, paste0("ch", qtl_chromosome, ":", 
+                                                           (interval - 1) * 2, "-", 
+                                                           interval * 2, "Mb"))
+$stage <- stage
+    saveRDS(object =,
+            file = paste0("trans-bands/trans.bands_", stage, ".rds"))
+    # for rm
+    if( stage == 'rm' ) {
+      eqtl.table <- mutate(eqtl.table,
+                           trans_band = ifelse(qtl_type == "trans" &
+                                                 qtl_chromosome == 5 &
+                                                 qtl_bp > 6e6 &
+                                                 qtl_bp <= 8e6, "ch5:6-8Mb",
+                                               ifelse(qtl_type == "trans" &
+                                                        qtl_chromosome == 1 &
+                                                        qtl_bp > 26e6 &
+                                                        qtl_bp <= 28e6, "ch1:26-28Mb",
+                                                      ifelse(qtl_type == "trans" &
+                                                               qtl_chromosome == 2 &
+                                                               qtl_bp > 10e6 &
+                                                               qtl_bp <= 14e6, "ch2:10-14Mb",
+                                                             ifelse(qtl_type == "trans" &
+                                                                      qtl_chromosome == 4 &
+                                                                      qtl_bp > 0e6 &
+                                                                      qtl_bp <= 2e6, "ch4:0-2Mb",
+                                                                    ifelse(qtl_type == "trans" &
+                                                                             qtl_chromosome == 5 &
+                                                                             qtl_bp > 14e6 &
+                                                                             qtl_bp <= 16e6, "ch5:14-16Mb","none"))))))
+    }
+    print("finish")
+    write.csv(x = eqtl.table,
+              file = paste0("qtl-tables/table_combined-stage-eqtl_", stage, ".csv"), 
+              row.names = T)
+    saveRDS(object = eqtl.table,
+            file = paste0("qtl-tables/table_combined-stage-eqtl_", stage, ".rds"))
+    table(eqtl.table$qtl_type, eqtl.table$trans_band != "none")
+    # GO for trans bands - combined-stage rm ####
+    ontology <- 'BP'
+    x <- org.At.tairCHR
+    all.genes <- as.list(rownames(trait.matrix))
+    transband.go <- = NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 9))
+    colnames(transband.go) <- c('GO.ID', 'Term', 'Annotated', 'Significant', 'Expected', 'Fisher', 
+                                'FDR', 'stage', 'transband')
+      eqtl.table <- readRDS(paste0('qtl-tables/table_combined-stage-eqtl_', stage, '.rds'))
+ <- unique(eqtl.table$trans_band)
+ <-[! %in% 'none']
+      transband.go.perstage <- = NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 9))
+      colnames(transband.go.perstage) <- c('GO.ID', 'Term', 'Annotated', 'Significant', 'Expected', 'Fisher', 
+                                           'FDR', 'stage', 'transband')
+      for (i in 1:length( {
+        gene.set <- eqtl.table[which(eqtl.table$trans_band ==[i]), 'trait']
+        gene.set <- factor(as.integer(all.genes %in% gene.set))
+        names(gene.set) <- all.genes
+        GOdata <- new("topGOdata",
+                      description = "GOE for genes in regulated by trans bands", ontology = ontology,
+                      allGenes = gene.set, 
+                      annot =,mapping= "org.At.tair.db")
+        resultFisher <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm = 'weight', statistic = "fisher")
+        result.df <- GenTable(GOdata, Fisher = resultFisher,
+                              orderBy = "Fisher", ranksOf = "Fisher", topNodes = length(resultFisher@score))
+        result.df$stage <- stage
+        result.df$transband <-[i]
+        result.df$Fisher <- as.numeric(result.df$Fisher)
+        result.df$FDR <- p.adjust(p = result.df$Fisher, method = 'fdr')
+        result.df <- result.df[order(result.df$FDR), ]
+        result.df <- dplyr::filter(result.df, Fisher <= 0.01)
+        transband.go <- rbind(transband.go, result.df)
+      }
+    write.csv(transband.go, paste0('files/trans-bands-rm-go', ontology, '.csv'))
+    # prepare eqtl table and plotting - combined-stage rm ####
+    eqtl.table <- eqtl.table %>%
+      mutate(qtl_type = ifelse(qtl_type == 'cis', 'local', 'distant'))
+    # cis-trans plot - combined-stage rm ####
+    eqtl.plot <- ggplot(eqtl.table, aes(x = qtl_bp, y = gene_bp)) + 
+      geom_segment(aes(x = qtl_bp_left, y = gene_bp, xend = qtl_bp_right, yend = gene_bp),
+                   alpha = 0.25, colour = "grey") +
+      geom_point(aes(colour = ordered(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant'))), alpha = .75) +
+      facet_grid(fct_rev(gene_chromosome) ~ qtl_chromosome, space = "free", scales = "free") +
+      presentation +
+      scale_colour_manual('eQTL type', values = c('black', '#377eb8')) +
+      labs(x = "eQTL peak position (Mb)", y = "Gene position (Mb)") +
+      scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40)*10^6,labels=c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40)) +
+      scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40)*10^6,labels=c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40))
+    pdf(file = paste0("figures/cis-trans-plot-rm.pdf"), width = 10, height = 8)
+    eqtl.plot
+    # histogram - combined-stage rm ####
+    eqtl.hist <- ggplot(eqtl.table %>% filter(qtl_type != 'local'), 
+                        aes(x=qtl_bp)) + # 750 x 400
+      geom_histogram(binwidth = 2000000, alpha = 0.8, fill = '#377EB8') +
+      facet_grid(. ~ qtl_chromosome, space = "free",scales="free") +
+      presentation +
+      scale_fill_manual(values = 'blue') +
+      theme(legend.position = "right", legend.text=element_text(size=10)) +
+      labs(x="eQTL peak position (Mb)",y="eQTL counts") +
+      ylim(c(0, 80)) +
+      geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 11.72), 
+                 linetype = 'dashed', 
+                 color = 'red', 
+                 size = .1) +
+      scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40)*10^6,labels=c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40))
+    pdf(file = "figures/trans-eqtl-histogram-rm.pdf", width = 10, height = 5)
+    eqtl.hist
+    # R2 vs heritability - combined-stage rm ####
+    ggplot(eqtl.table, aes(x = qtl_R2_sm,
+                               fill = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant')),
+                               color = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant')))) +
+      geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), binwidth = 0.01, position = 'identity', alpha = 0) +
+      geom_density(alpha = 0.5, size = 0) +
+      geom_vline(aes(xintercept = median(qtl_R2_sm),
+                     color = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant'))),
+                 linetype = 'dashed', size = .5) +
+      presentation +
+      scale_color_brewer(palette = 'Set1') +
+      scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Set1') +
+      xlab('explained phenotypic variance (R2)') +
+      ylab('count of eQTL') +
+      labs(fill = 'eQTL type', color = 'eQTL type') +
+      #ylim(0, 1) + 
+      xlim(0, 1) +
+      theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 8))
+    ggplot(eqtl.table, aes(x = h2, y = qtl_R2_sm,
+                               fill = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant')),
+                               color = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant')))) +
+      geom_point(size = 1, alpha = 0.5) +
+      geom_vline(data = group_by(eqtl.table, qtl_type) %>%
+                   summarise(med = median(h2, na.rm = T)), 
+                 aes(xintercept = med, color = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant'))),
+                 linetype = 'dashed', size = .5) +
+      geom_hline(data = group_by(eqtl.table, qtl_type) %>%
+                   summarise(med = median(qtl_R2_sm, na.rm = T)), 
+                 aes(yintercept = med, color = factor(qtl_type, levels = c('local', 'distant'))),
+                 linetype = 'dashed', size = .5) +
+      geom_smooth(model = lm) +
+      geom_abline(aes(slope = 1, intercept = 0), size = .75, linetype = 'dashed') +
+      presentation +
+      scale_color_brewer(palette = 'Set1') +
+      scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Set1') +
+      xlab('narrow-sense heritabllity (h2)') +
+      ylab('explained phenotypic variance (R2)') +
+      labs(fill = 'eQTL type', color = 'eQTL type') +
+      ylim(0, 1) + 
+      xlim(0, 1) + 
+      theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 8))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/goe-app.R b/goe-app.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f97bd04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/goe-app.R
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# This is a Shiny web application. You can run the application by clicking
+# the 'Run App' button above.
+# Find out more about building applications with Shiny here:
+remove(list = ls())
+# setting directory
+work.dir <- "C:/Users/harta005/Projects/seed-germination-qtl/"
+# load library
+# load variables for goe test
+x <- org.At.tairCHR
+all.genes <- as.list(as.character(read.csv('files/gene-list.csv', header = F)[, 1]))
+hc.go.list <- = NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 8))
+colnames(hc.go.list) <- c('GO.ID', 'Term', 'Annotated', 'Significant', 'Expected', 'Fisher', 
+                          'FDR')
+# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
+ui <- fluidPage(
+    # Application title
+    titlePanel("Gene ontology enrichment test for Joosen data"),
+    # Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins 
+    sidebarLayout(
+        sidebarPanel(
+            textAreaInput(inputId = 'gene.list',
+                          label = 'Put your list of gene here!',
+                          width = '100%',
+                          height = '400px',
+                          value = '',
+                          placeholder = "AT4G22890\nAT2G34630\nAT2G03270\nAT2G25590\nAT5G25130",
+                          actionButton('button', label = 'Submit!')
+                          ),
+            selectInput(inputId = 'go.term', 
+                        label = 'Select the GO term:', 
+                        choices = c('biological process', 'molecular function', 'cellular component'), 
+                        selected = 'biological process'
+                        ),
+            actionButton(inputId = 'submit', label = 'Submit')
+        ),
+        # Show a plot of the generated distribution
+        mainPanel(
+            downloadButton(outputId = 'download', 'Download'),
+           DT::dataTableOutput("go.result")
+        )
+    )
+# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
+server <- function(input, output) {
+    reactive.gene.list <- eventReactive(input$submit, {
+        input$gene.list
+    })
+    # creating data table 
+    data_table <- reactive({
+        gene.list <- reactive.gene.list()
+        gene.set <- unlist(strsplit(gene.list, '\n'))
+        gene.set <- factor(as.integer(all.genes %in% gene.set))
+        ontology <- ifelse(input$go.term == 'biological process', 'BP',
+                           ifelse(input$go.term == 'molecular function', 'MF', 'CC'))
+        names(gene.set) <- all.genes
+        GOdata <- new("topGOdata",
+                      description = "Analyzing clustering results", 
+                      ontology = ontology,
+                      allGenes = gene.set, 
+                      annot =,mapping= "org.At.tair.db")
+        resultFisher <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm = 'weight', statistic = "fisher")
+        result.df <- GenTable(GOdata, pval = resultFisher,
+                              orderBy = "Fisher", ranksOf = "Fisher", topNodes = length(resultFisher@score))
+        result.df$FDR <- round(p.adjust(p = result.df$pval, method = 'fdr'), 4)
+        result.df$pval <- round(as.numeric(result.df$pval), 4)
+        result.df <- result.df[order(result.df$FDR), ]
+        #result.df <- filter(result.df, FDR <= 0.001)
+        #hc.go.list <- rbind(hc.go.list, result.df)
+        result.df
+    })
+    output$go.result <- DT::renderDataTable({
+        data_table()
+    })
+    output$download <- downloadHandler(
+        filename = paste0(input$go.term, ".csv"),
+        content = function(file) {
+            write.csv(data_table(), file, row.names = FALSE)
+        }
+    )
+# Run the application 
+shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
diff --git a/seed-germination-qtl.Rproj b/seed-germination-qtl.Rproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3af27f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/seed-germination-qtl.Rproj
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Version: 1.0
+RestoreWorkspace: Default
+SaveWorkspace: Default
+AlwaysSaveHistory: Default
+EnableCodeIndexing: Yes
+UseSpacesForTab: Yes
+NumSpacesForTab: 2
+Encoding: UTF-8
+RnwWeave: Sweave
+LaTeX: pdfLaTeX
diff --git a/ssh-key b/ssh-key
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b142cbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ssh-key
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd6cec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFRasicrNZR02UpOvp6akP/MF/f5HMXw8szkyhH7CWql